Using Cialis, Viagra

Yeah i just cant touch it

I buy the generic about £25 for 4. It is expensive. I guess if you can get on prescription from gp will be better.

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It is expensive every where in the world and most insurance will not cover it…

There was a guy recovered from this shit with using it for continuously for 9-10 months. I will link his story if can find it

For those of you who would like to try Viagra but are concerned about the cost…

When my urologist prescribed Viagra for me, I told him I could not afford it. He informed me that Pfizer has a program for those with lower incomes. You’ll need to provide your W-2 form, and I cannot recall what the income limit is. (BTW, this is in the United States.)

End result, I got a full bottle straight from the manufacturer at no cost to me. Ask your urologist if the program is still available, see if you qualify.
Good luck, Jim

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Can you get cialis as well through this program or does it only apply for viagra?

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I just purchase viagra and cialis powder online and make my own caps. I have enough of both to last a lifetime lol.

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Where is the supplier from?

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US. I’ll pm you.

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Please send me too bro

No only thing worked for sensitivity for me was Aromasin. It restored it immediately.

Or, the NHS was paying the full price and you were paying the prescription fee.

Levitra works for me. It works better than Viagra or Cialis. But my T levels need to be high enough so that Levitra works.

These kind of drugs reduce blood pressure so that can be a good side effect.

These kinds of drugs might increase the chances of melanoma so that is not good.

Melanomas are nothing one of most cureable kind of canser even it detected in stage 3. Thing is they also boosts short term memory and changes brain blood supply and in some areas in hippocampus they cause long term potentiation.

No. It makes temporary even number i think.

Is this accurate? That these drugs will make people numb (or even more numb)?

So cailis and viagra are good for premature ejaculation?

yes. And a million times better than taking an SSRI or SNRI pill that creates a syndrome just like PFS!!

Erections can feel numb. However, I’ve noticed my penis is overall more sensitive since i started cialis. I’ve mentioned in the past that I couldn’t really feel anything in the lower shaft. When my fingers were freezing cold, I could feel it on/near my glans, but felt absolutely nothing below it. I can feel that coldness now, and my glans also seems more sensitive than before. I’d say I’ve felt sensitivity on par with my pre-fin days.


I would appreciate it if you can also send me the supplier.
Thanks in advance!

I bought from legit pharmacy supplier was Pfizer. Extremely cheap in Turkey.