Used AMBIEN -- Sleep Side Effects Resolved

I also can say, that Ambien (Zoplidemtartrat) cured a part of my sleep issue. I woke up very fast, by every single sound. This totaly went away even long time after I used it. First it helps very very good, with sleep. But you cant take it for ever and Igaves you sometimes, like it was for me a bad reabound, this means falling asleep, will be very hard again for a short time.

I managed to resolve my sleep problem with over-the-counter drug Dozile
(Restavit) I have tryed a lot, but Dozile was my my saving.
I only wake up about once during the night to urincte now (before 3-5 times a night)
No side effects, it is fantastic.
Try it?

Good luck.

I even get erections sometimes through the night ( maybe because of deep sleep).

I tried Ambien again without much luck. The best help for sleep, seems to be a lot of sun and exercise for me. Too bad winter comes every year

OK, I will try it falling asleep s still a big Problem for me. I was in a sleep lab and they found out that I have a sleepstrukture problem, disturbed REM sleep, but I dream a lot after the use of Absinthe in the last 2 nigths my dreams were stronger and more realistic and I had some xxx dreams.

Short after my crash I had some nausea in the morning… This was gone a long time. Now I have it again, over the whole day. I think Doxlamin also can help with that in combination with Vit. B6.

@ BrainBug

At least they picked up the abnormality in your study. Mine showed short REM periods but they said that might have been because it was a sleep study.

I dream a lot too, but it seems like right in the middle of dreaming, something irritates me and wakes me up. Similar?

Hi, for me the same, it showed very short REM periods. It was done by Neurodoc´s. They checked everything. about 3 days and 2 nights. They told me to take Mitrazepin. But I never ever will touch this. My big Problem is to fall asleep, cause of the Panicthing. When I sleep, I sleep. At home I can sleep very long and good, I dont ware up this realy was cured by ambien.

I never had any Problems to fall asleep or with sleep itself. My Heartrate has changed a lot by fin. My heartrate is very high… most of the time 120-130 that is very fast even when doing nothing. my bloodpressure is now very low. So, I used Korodin 15 drops short before going to sleep and magnesium 400mg. This also helps a lot falling asleep and with dreams.
What you also can try is Licorice root tea before going to sleep.
For falling asleep I tryed doxilamin last night. I makes you very very sleepy and its also cool for my panicthing.I sleeped like a baby, thanks Sonder for this tipp.

Doxlamin helps also for nausea in combination with Vit. B6 and against Panikattacks. It´s a very helpfull bandaid.

I have done some research and I have read that Doxylamine/Dozile is not intended for long-term use, just as Ambien/Zolpidem,

How long do you take the medication Brainbug and soder. Do you taper it of?

Thanks for some hints.


Yes yes its always not a long term thing… I read about people who took this stuff many years, with no Problems, but only a half pill, for me so 12,5mg.

For yous whith panicattacks, 12,5mg also helps very very good! I only tryed it today and it worked great!!!

zzzzzz Hi Keepup zzzzzzz

I Have taken the medication for 6 weeks now.
and I still sleep like a baby.
And it helps for my nausea to.

Brainbug I take 25 mg pr. day.


The the stuff inside is called Doxylamin if anyone wnats to google it!

Thanks Sonder!!!