Traish: "Post-Finasteride Syndrome: A Surmountable Challenge for Clinicians"


You guys too :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, thereā€™s ideally and then thereā€™s working with what we can get given the proportion of patients taking part. Ideally, 300 fin and 200 per non-fin group would be strong, but 100 per non-fin group would be decent.

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Can we come up with a strategy to mobilize the accutane groups?

Reaching out by posting in their groups hasnā€™t yielded much resultsā€¦

Iā€™d be happy to help and input


I second that. Iā€™ll help in way possible to help gain some more PAS patients.


Thank you, weā€™d always appreciate help - perhaps best to liaise with @Dubya_B and @pete regarding efforts to let PAS patients know.


ā€œThese constellations of symptoms constitute the basis for PFS in individuals predisposed to epigenetic susceptibility. ā€

This statement says a lot. I have family history of depression and mental illness so obviously some genetic abnormality has been passed down from my parents. Iā€™ve never been genetically tested. If I did what would I look for? Itā€™s a needle in a haystack. What epigenetic change happened to my body from fin? Even if we found what had changed is it possible to change it back?

Glad to see people much smarter than me are trying to help us. I believe Traish is doing this work outside of the PFS foundation. I wonder if they coordinate at all. I have said this before but it would be nice if the PFS foundation would have a thread on this site where they could interact with us on what their current focus is on. That would help add direction to our discussions and motivate people to get more involved such as donating to the next research topic.

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Family history of depression and ā€œmental illnessā€ is not evidence for any genetic abnormality.

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Ok, not abnormalities but genetics non the less. Genes have been identified that are related to depression that makes a person more or less prone to depression.

The fact finasteride works is through gene expressionā€¦By lowering dht u are basically slowing gene expression by slowing or stopping balding genesā€¦When u stop the med Geneā€™s then go back to functioning normally because you canā€™t change Geneā€™s but alter transcription activityā€¦Apparently after stopping some Geneā€™s expression is altered and is not expressing as before finasterideā€¦Or easiest way I understand itā€¦

Some day I will explain why this is a) meaningless b) misleading and c) wrong.

The lie told to the world by Merck is that DHT is responsible for male pattern baldness. It is not. Many men have varying levels of DHT in their bodies but do not go bald.
Baldness is genetic.
And baldness might be epigenetic when bodybuilder bros have done tons and tons of synthetic T-like hormones.

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