Took F for 17 yrs - Natural Recovery after stopping

4 posts were split to a new topic: Temp took f for 17 years

Hello! Yes, I am a legit PFS recoveree! I’m a 51yo trial lawyer in Washington DC. As I’ve detailed in prior threads, I fortunately entirely naturally recovered from worst-case scenario PFS 2014-17 EXCEPT profound sleep dysfunction (partially controlled by Belsomra).

I was a total fiasco and made countless errors.

Here’s my ridiculous Bumble profile (knocked two years off!)

Contact Phillip Roberts for counseling:

Contact me for non-counseling issues:

Good luck!

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What about the people who have gotten testicular cancer or skin cancer from this?

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This definitely isn’t going to go down well with most on this forum. Many are here because of antidepressants.

However you also injected methyl steroids. Among a few other things. Obviously we can see that is not mentioned here.


@anonymous1968 why do you keep making new posts about the same thing dude? Is it a boomer thing where you don’t know how to use the computer?


This guy is literally a bot lmao


how did you recover naturally and also use antidepressants and sleeping pills.
which ones did you use?

Can someone please ban this troll already? Do you realize how many times he has done this? This dude is a serious lunatic.


He’s full of shit. Read his old thread. He tried to commit suicide by starving himself to death, his family intervened and he went to Mayo Clinic where they diagnosed some neurological disorder and gave him massive steroids which he then claims his ED was restored and he’s been on major sleep meds for years. It’s all in his previous posts.


How can u even suggest Antidepressants to anyone? They are just poison. Did u even have pfs? Are u from Merck?

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Many people’s lives have been saved by taking antidepressants. Calling them poison is overly simplistic. They can provide benefits, even to some of us. SSRIs are however best avoided.


Avoided!! It should be banned. Fuck Antidepressants or SSRIs. Many people claim they saved their life by saving their hair with the help of Finasteride, it doesn’t change the fact that it is a poison.


I have tried communicating with the author of this original post many times but never seem to get replies back, however I actually appreciate the posts he leaves here and get something from them myself. (Even though the not sleeping thing he talks about is far from a comfort! )

I still feel this forum is a place of freedom and open suggestion so if these medications he has listed work for him than that’s great and this is the place to share those findings , we can’t just ban someone because it doesn’t fit our narrative of how a PFS sufferer should be .

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LOL, Trazodone gave me this shit. Kick this guy out pls.

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No. Just no.

I think that some people got better from PFS from taking again another 5a blocker: finas; isotretinoin; some ssri…

Of course, there is a big risk on trying that, and most peple who tried it was without being aware of it, I think.

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The mods need to take away his ability to create new topics lol. He got ED from trazodone and now he’s promoting it without any warning at all. It’s incoherent nonsense.