Thyroid problems??

nice find JN.

Thanks scaredmale30. The relevance is the effect of molecules on eachother is the same whether in a frog, human or unicorn. Still, one of your more productive comments.


I recalled having been convinced I was hypothryoid about three months ago, until my endo dr told me it wasnt’ possible. The reason he says is my TSH is too low for someone with low thyroid function.

Looking back on it, WTF, I have all of the symptoms. Why wouldn’t my doctor look at my symptoms, rather just one number on a test. I even spent a week taking my temperature every day as soon as I got out of bed as recommended. It was always below the recommeded 98.6.

So all of these conversations renewed my interest in this as my problem.

A direct quote from, “stop the thyroid madness” … o-rethink/


■Less sta­mina than others
■Less energy than others
■Long reco­very period after any activity
■Ina­bi­lity to hold chil­dren for very long
■Arms fee­ling like dead weights after activity
■Chro­nic Low Grade Depression
■Sui­ci­dal Thoughts
■Often fee­ling cold
■Cold hands and feet
■High or rising cholesterol
■Biza­rre and Debi­li­ta­ting reac­tion to exercise
■Hard stools
■No eye­brows or thin­ning outer eyebrows
■Dry Hair
■Hair Loss
■White hairs gro­wing in
■No hair growth, breaks fas­ter than it grows
■Dry crac­king skin
■Nod­ding off easily
■Requi­res naps in the afternoon
■Sleep Apnea (which can also be asso­cia­ted with low cortisol)
■Air Hun­ger (fee­ling like you can’t get enough air)
■Ina­bi­lity to con­cen­trate or read long periods of time
■Foggy thin­king
■Ina­bi­lity to lose weight
■Always gai­ning weight
■Ina­bi­lity to func­tion in a rela­tionship with anyone
■NO sex drive
■Fai­lure to ovu­late and/or cons­tant blee­ding (see Rainbow’s story)
■Moody periods
■Ina­bi­lity to get preg­nant; miscarriages
■Exc­ru­cia­ting pain during period
■Aching bones/muscles
■Bumps on legs
■Acne on face and in hair
■Brea­kout on chest and arms
■Exhaus­tion in every dimen­sion – phy­si­cal, men­tal, spi­ri­tual, emotional
■Ina­bi­lity to work full-time
■Ina­bi­lity to stand on feet for long periods
■Com­plete lack of motivation
■Slo­wing to a snail’s pace when wal­king up slight grade
■Extre­mely crabby, irri­ta­ble, into­le­rant of others
■Handw­ri­ting nearly illegible
■Inter­nal itching of ears
■Broken/peeling fin­ger­nails
■Dry skin or snake skin
■Major anxiety/worry
■Rin­ging in ears
■Lac­tose Intolerance
■Ina­bi­lity to eat in the mornings
■Joint pain
■Car­pal tun­nel symptoms
■No Appe­tite
■Fluid reten­tion to the point of Con­ges­tive Heart Failure
■Swo­llen legs that pre­ven­ted walking
■Blood Pres­sure problems
■Vari­cose Veins
■Diz­zi­ness from fluid on the inner ear
■Low body temperature
■Rai­sed temperature
■Tight­ness in throat; sore throat
■Swo­llen lymph glands
■Aller­gies (which can also be a result of low cor­ti­sol–com­mon with hypothy­roid patients)
■Hea­daches and Migraines
■Sore feet (plan­tar fas­ci­tis); pain­ful soles of feet
■now how do I put this one politely.…a cold bum, butt, derriere, fanny, glu­teus maxi­mus, haunches, hind­quar­ters, pos­te­rior, rear, and/or cheeks. Yup, really exists.
■irri­ta­ble bowel syndrome
■pain­ful bladder
■Extreme hun­ger, espe­cially at nighttime
■Dyspha­gia, which is nerve damage and cau­ses the ina­bi­lity to swa­llow fluid, food or your own saliva and leads to “aspi­ra­tion pneumonia

Take your temperature

A normal temperature does not rule out the possibility of being hypothyroid. You may have an infection.

I spoke to my doctor about all of this yesterday over the phone. He completely shot it down and said “no your TSH is normal.” and “Any doctor who sees that TSH level, would know to rule out Thyoid problems.”

I also talked to him about desiccated thyroid meds. He said they don’t believe in those medicines, they are dangerous. They meaning he and his fellow endocrinoligists.

I can’t find a doctor around here that believes this is my problem. I don’t want to wait 3-4 months to go see Chrisler; nor do I want to travel there either. I am debating running one more blood test to confirm and then self medicating. Buying Nature Thyroid from a reliable online provider. Has anyone other than Mitch used Armour or Nature Thyroid?

Good post Boston. I strongly advise you get a reverse T3 level done. There will be plenty of docs who specialise in thyroid/adrenal disorders; not necessarily top names or professors. Bear in mind the conservative medical fraternity will not acknowledge Reverse T3 syndrome. Try ‘naturopaths’.

I’m fed up of all this too. Really fed up of this. I feel like I’ve been led on a wild goosechase in life, I feel mocked and bruised and battered.


One problem with all the symptoms you listed Boston is that they seem to overlap with symptoms of low testosterone. I did however take my temp and it was only 96.0 - and I have a swollen lymph node. Only blood test will tell I guess…

my temperate keeps coming in at 97’s during the day…

My temp was 94.6 (34.7 Celsius) three mornings ago! I injected some more T and since then it came up to 96.8. (36.1 Celsius).



I know what you mean. I have always believe we may have more than one thing screwed up with us. It’s certainly possible that many of us have a thyroid problem and could also have other issues as well.

One thing is for sure, if our many of problems are caused from thyroid, we have hope. Read below.

Men: Is Your Thyroid Causing Sexual Problems? … ysfunction

I met all of these according to my last test done, hypothyroid.

  • Reverse T3 (to be tes­ted when your Free T4 is in the upper part of the range with con­ti­nuing symp­toms. You need to do it at the same time you do free T3 to mea­sure the ratio)

Mine is right there in the upper part of the range.

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It seems that on several websites i’ve looked into they suggest testing thyroid with a trh stimulation test as one of the most sensitive ways to test thyroid function. Perhaps this is a good test for those to include in combination with reverse t3.


I agree I’m completely frustrated. I was supposed to get a blood test done earlier in the week, but ate too late at night and couldn’t do it. I will shoot for tomorrow.

I will be sure they add Reverse T3 to my list of items. What pisses me off is the complete ineptness of these doctors; It’s unbelievable, most of them are incompetent. You have low T and they all immediately insist Androgel or TRT is the only treatment they will recommend.

I am at a loss for what to do next. I currently feel rather confident, I have a thyroid problem.
I have done this temperature test and I always come in the range considered a thyroid problem; and my most recent blood test on T3 & T4 indicate good likelihood of hypothyroidism. I also have many of the symptoms.

I can’t find a reliable website online that will sell Armour or Nature Thyroid without a script in US or Canada. My current endo said he would not prescribe it, so it doesn’t matter how my test turns out.

I need to locate a competent open-minded thyroid doctor in my area. Maybe those words used together are an oxymoron. I just can’t bear to wait three months either.

Here’s another connection. I’m not sure about this website as a legitimate source, maybe someone can verify what this guy is saying. … cle-21.htm

I know I have come back with low IGF-1 on more than one test, which is produced in the liver. Now here is the connection with T3 & T4, back to the liver again.

If this is true how do we get our insulin low?

Golf, do you mean TSH? What is TRH? … rhtest.htm

Here’s some good actual proven info for the link between the liver and thyroid problems.

Based on my blood work, having a rather high T4, I would think a clogged liver could be slowing down the conversion to T3?


TRH is thyrotropin releasing hormone. Released by neuro epiphysis (in hypothalamus) in brain, which stimulates pituitary to release TSH.

That’s why it is called a HPTA for example. The H is the part that release TRH, P is TSH.
It is part of the feedback loop, that’s all. Essentially irrelevant here in this discussion as one looks at TSH levels.


There are studies stating that LOW T3 increase your risk of stroke…If indeed our thyroid panels come back with low T3(like mine), if left untreated, we are at a higher risk of stroke as we get older…This is NOT GOOD!

If this is the case as well, Merck should put:Increased risk of Stroke, as a side effect. Just like they should of done with their drug Vioxx

I think the downstream products of thyroid synthesis should suffice in assessing thyroid status. (esp free T3, free T4 and rT3).
My previous post (highlighting the comments of the doctor called ‘The Matrix’) indicates low IGF-1 may be due to low thyroid function.
I had a low IGF-1 and very low IGF BP3.

Possibly low Adiol G is due to low 3 HSD activity (proven to be sped up by thyroid activity). Also, have a look at the DHT heptanoate trial. Strangely, one individual had really low Adiol G BEFORE being injected with DHT Heptanoate. On being injected with 250mg DHT Hept, his Adiol G rose LESS than the other 5 subjects, and was still within normal range! In this situation, it could be hypothesised that he had low 3 HSD enzyme and poorly converted DHT to Adiol G. Possibly he was hypothyroid.

The common finding of low Vit D in chronic fatigue sufferers and hypothyroid patients may also be significant, as it is a finding in us sufferers.

I’m hoping there is a pattern here. Please, oh please.



You may have low cortisol levels too…make sure you get that check as well…becaues if you end up going on T3 medication, and have low cortisol…you WILL need to take hydrocortisone, or you will feel like crap! Our HGH levels also maybe low because of High RT3 dominance. One of my studies I dug up in the “other Studies” section illustrates that HGH injections lowered RT3 levels.

Also, I think you should try a clomid protocol of some sort before even considering TRT…See if you can restart your system…See a good doctor who can help you out with that…

Ideally, what would make sense is to first

1.) Restart your system(get testosterone, free test, LH, FSH back up in healthy ranges).
2.) Retest bloodwork after a month.
3.) Get on T3 & hydrocortisone if needed
4.) Retest blood work

It’s a slow process, but I think it’s what you should do with a GOOD doctor.

I’m with you bro…I’ve been to many doctors, they simply DIDNT listen…Don’t forget this happened to me in 2002 when there wasnt as many complaints because the drug was only on the market for 4 years. Now Merck has to deal with us longer term for ignoring the problem(due to most likely revenue implications on really digging deep on the root cause of our problem). That’s ok, they MADE their money. All I want from them is to reimburse me 30-40k that I spent on trying to get better the last 8 years of my life.

Lets keep on moving…I think after all of this BS, I’m considering on going to school for my D.O…and be a doctor like JN.


I agree with you about the cortisol. That website, that I posted info from “Stop the Thryoid Madness” mentioned this. They said if your body temperature is all over place, 1/2 - 2 degrees lower at the same time the next day, This could be a good sign you have low-functioning adrenals. This is an easy test we can all do, by simply taking our temperatures consistently.

I had a cortisol stimulation test done about 4 months ago and supposedly came back fine. Maybe I need to dig that up and try to look at the results on my own. The fact my own endo doctor thought nothing of my T3 being extremely low range makes me lose all confidence in his judgement.

You were saying get your LH back up. Mine should be back up now. I did a cycle of HCG for 5 weeks, two times per week 300 iU. My nuts sag less and increased mental and better energy, but still all sexual problems exist.

Have you had your T3, T4, RT3 tested yet? I have not seen a lot guys results. I am very curious to see some results start coming in. I really thing we are onto something with this.


I absolutely agree with this point regarding the IGF-1. It makes perfect sense. Where are you at in the process now with thyroid. Have you run a new blood test yet? If you get the results we expect, are you considered a desiccated thyroid product like Armour or Nature Thyroid?

Yes, I have read this is very common symptom of people with hypothyroidism.

What do you think about the possibility that our Thyroid problems, low T3 have to do with our Livers not functioning properly? I found a website yesterday where I guy was claiming that nearly all Thyroid problems are linked to problems with liver. It wasn’t a medical study, so I didn’t bother to post it.