There is still hope?

One of the saddest things is when you see people capitalize on the desperation of people suffering with disease. I would be extremely skeptical of anyone who says he has a cure and wants to sell you things.

In my opinion, the community is finally showing signs of maturing to the point of being ready to get behind efforts to get research started. That means, for the first time, a cure looks probable to come. But the mindset needs to be of acceptance that it will take several years. Let’s say 8, for example. So the thing to do is contribute to the effort in any way you can and then focus the rest of your life on advancing your long-term prospects in other areas. So for example, don’t play video games, instead take courses online. Read lots of books full of valuable information. Develop your social skills. Get a leg up on everyone else and forget about girls for now. Then in 8 years, hit the ground running better than you would have if you had never gotten PFS. As long as you aren’t over 40 or something at that point (I.e., age when all attractive women already have children), you will be positioned to get way better girls than you otherwise would have and will be able to enjoy a tremendous life.

We just have to face that we don’t get to live normal lives. But you can make abnormal better overall.


Ey thanks for share, and yes, i feel so cold specially on feet, as i know is due to low tirosine.I am just on a nightmare and recoveries is like the most important thing that i can have at moment, but on some sites says that foundation is a scam, others Cdnuts and recover are so i am very confused honestly, I believe that some cases are recovered, but its a little strange, by the way investigation is important to obviusly, but dont know if a cure is possible by this way its so slowly way, i am 27 and not sure if its will come, and if its do, when.

Wow do u think that a cure would be possible in a shor period like 8 years? That would be fantastic, the problem for me is since i am more or less good at sexual or libido sides, i am a fcking zombie on mental, my memmory is shitt and i am mostly stupid, Its hard for me think even on simply things, anhedonic to, cant enjoy or my best friends or family or hobbies and its hard.I guess that all of you know that but lets hope…i wish we all recover soon.

Hi hadenough,

I’ve made practically a full recovery. Read my thread.

I don’t be on here much anymore but I do try to visit occasionally to give guys some hope

I feel there is a significant lack of balance on this forum as it contains mostly people with problems, the recoveries get overlooked and unpublished all too often. Mainly that is the fault of posters not returning her when they improve / recover.

Also, I’ve requested before that my thread is put into the recovery section but this has never been done. I’m not sure why - again, this doesn’t help the situation.

I don’t proclaim to have any magic formula. My recovery took time. I would say lack of alcohol, taking vitamins and zinc, and also vit d3, helped a natural (and slow!) recovery. Im 100% genuine.

Hope this gives some hope my friend!


Well it damned sure gives me more hope @Mens_Rea, thanks for not disappearing like the others, and I am similarly disappointed that your recovery has not been filed accordingly, because otherwise I might not be learning of it for the first time right now.

I would never support this sit back and contribute to the foundation approach @Hadenought , the community has been awaiting the sacred Baylor research for 6 years and part 1 has just been released and been a major disappointment in terms of telling us nothing new. The idea that this approach includes accepting there is no way of recovering in the meantime is crazy, especially when we do have another poster here reporting a recovery. Fuck sitting around and doing nothing but send money to the foundation for 8 years.

Test your body temperature like I posted about in the other thread, there is nothing to lose, and if you do have a consistently low temp over a 14 day period, that tells you you have some form of hypothyroidism. It would also then be worth getting tested for parasites and SIBO, which people with hypothyroidism are more susceptible to.

@Mens_Rea, nice post thank you for giving us hope. Did you just have sexual side effects mental too?

How many time have u been suffering for PFS?
Thanks for sharing!

I had all the sexual sides, no mental sides.

My battle began in 2010 and continued for several years. Its documented in my thread in quite a good level of detail.

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There is still hope. I crashed in March 2019 after stopping propecia. I could barely function for the next 2 months, I had horrible fatigue, muscle and joint pain, no libido, the usual sexual symptoms, brain fog etc. I went to see a specialist in London who confirmed (after blood tests) that I had low testosterone and low free t (and the rest of the usual pfs blood test results). I have slowly recovered over the course of the last year. I reckon I am at about 70% at the moment. There have been many ups and downs along the way but I think recovery is possible for most it just takes a long time. Other than cialis, I didn’t take any other drugs (like clomid or TRT) simply did natural recovery nothing over the top. Still had alcohol and tried to go on with my life as normal.

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Who was that specialist? Was he/she private or NHS?

So what did you do to get better? Was the consultant worth it?

Did your T levels return to the normal range?

I haven’t got new blood tests done (mostly out of fear that they would still show low test results!) but based on how I am feeling I would guess that my t levels have for the most part returned to normal. Over the last few months my skin has become oily again and I am feeling way more aggressive and have more energy.

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Well, in short, nothing. I have posted a member’s story recently - see Frankie's story.

I just did a natural recovery, continued with my life, tried to stay positive and did moderate exercise.

Other than talk me through my symptoms and options available (natural route or some sort of PCT restart) the consultant didn’t do much else. If anything it helped to talk to an expert who acknowledges the existence of pfs and has seen patients with similar symptoms.

Can you talk me through the same? Thanks

Thanks for share, but in my opinion, thats not PFS u just had symptons but after leave the drug u natural recover on just a year, for me is that not permanente sides, but i feel happy for you since u beated fin.

did you recover after 2 years?

Did your penis size came back to 100% normal after your recovery? Girth-length and strength? What else is recovered fully. Im scared that we may lost permanent tissue on our penis… this scares me so much.

Not giving up.
Just continuing to try,and there will be hope for you.


Frankie, your symptoms sound like the ones im having. how long did it take you to notice progress?

Im having dry skin and eyes since I stopped.