The title of latest Mohit Khera's paper is misleading, to say the least

You’re a lunatic. This wasn’t a drug trial. Without a control, the finding is slightly weaker, but barely. PFS has already been established as a legitimate condition. The fact that 2/3 of PFS patients have abnormal Doppler Ultrasounds doesn’t change anything for whether there’s a potential treatment or not. No clinical difference whatsoever.

The Dopper ultra sound was a secondary part of the study. The study was based on an epigenetic and genetic study. I imagine the full control group was used to draw samples for that. Control groups aren’t going to want to subject themselves to a Doppler. This wasn’t a major part of the study, the second part will come at some point. You’re just going to have to accept that, stop complaining about something you didn’t contribute to, and wait. I’m tired of speaking with you so this is my last response to you. Good day.

I can count at least 10 wrong information in your last response…how sad!

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So what we have learned from this study? I just give it a quick look and there were nothing usefeul… basically they concluded that PFS is real?? Oh really? Thanks. I have zero interest about Baylor Study now. They basically found out that we are not lunatics after their ‘‘hardwork’’. What an improvement!

Not even that my friend…It would require a control group to conclude that pfs is real…They basically reported some findings. Thats it…Bias after bias after bias is not confirming any thing. The fact that symptomatic people who have ED were tested would be the first Bias (As ofc they would have abnormal reading), then comes the fact that the control group with a bunch of fat (ppl BMI 30 in median) where only 3 of them got tested for Testosteron adding more Bias and insecurity on the matter…Then no other young men with ED got tested for anything so you WILL NEVER Know if these specific readings are only special for PFS sufferers or just normal readings for young men with idiopathic ED:…I wont go into further details, as im already getting so much hate in my inbox.
Doing research is very hard, and there is nothing as perfect research. But this one from Baylor is little embarrassing to get even published.

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A biased study wouldn’t hold up in a court room so it’s somewhat worthless to PFS claimants. Is that a coincidence or a product of design.

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The product liability lawsuits are basically all but over. There are like 8 cases left and this study is years too late to be submitted for the cases.

I find it unconscionable that this study has been slow-walked the way it has for all these years and still counting even when even the study subjects themselves are committing suicide at such an alarming rate. The fact that you still see people claiming that we should keep waiting for Baylor before doing everything we can to start new research depresses me like nothing else.

Guys, can we please turn our attention to reaching out to the PSSD, PAS, and Asexual communities and informing them of what they may have and how they can help us get research going?

Can we just make that our huge priority now? Hasn’t 15 years of dicking around with misc drugs we found via google and “lifting heavy” with no result been enough? Do we want to get cured or do we want to sit here crying for another 15 years? Every day that we keep talking instead of doing is another day before the sexual/mating phase of our lives is over and we are left alone with nothing in our lives. Can we finally face this? Can we confront it with action for once?