The Proviron experience

My penis grew after rubbing large amounts of Andractim on it for a couple of weeks or so. The girth increased significantly. Keep in mind that doing so may suppress your testosterone production.

you are the first one who reports positive effects by directly apply DHT on his penis. Most here say their penis shrank and went numb.
how long have you been off of TRT? in your previous post you said you on TRT for life and then you said you are off of every thing?
did you feel any suppression from TRT or Andractim?

When did I say that I’m off everything? I’m still using testosterone, and I’m experimenting with other drugs as well. Obviously TRT will cause complete suppression, but that doesn’t matter. I didn’t notice any suppression from Andractim, as my testosterone level already was low, and I had symptoms of hypogonadism before I began experimenting with it, but my sexual function didn’t get any better during treatment with Andractim either, so it’s likely that it caused suppression.

I rubbed 2.5 grams (one spatula) on my penis once a day. That’s a lot of gel.

sorry I mixed you with sanane.
how long have you been on TRT?
you mentioned you are getting benefits from proviron. Do you feel its effects are declining over time as reported by others?

2 years. I don’t notice any effects from Proviron when my testosterone/estrogen ratio is way off. When it’s optimal, a low dose like 12.5 mg twice a day, increases the libido significantly.

and you are still applying DHT and enjoying the benefits?

Yeah, apparently I need it, but I always pause the treatment when my testosterone/estrogen ratio is bad - because I don’t notice any benefits from it.

I wonder then how would you explain FTMs. they have far higher E than T but make huge gains from DHT application.

I am on stanodrol now. Taking up to 6 tablets a day, I may have noticed some mood changes after 6 pills on the second day. Apart from that, nothing.

I have also tried andro hard and lots of proviron. no real results. Only times I have recoverd was first time on arimidex and first time on pes erase. Have not been able to replicate.

During those times I was opretty much totally recovered.

Have you taken Proviron? Can you copy and paste these questions w/ your answers?

What dose?
How long?
What benefits? How long did they last?
Any bad effects?
Why did you quit?
Were you taking anything else (TRT, etc.)?

I’m interested in seeing if anyone approximated what Enden is referencing here: viewtopic.php?p=60542#p60542


I took 1 pill(25mg) proviron in last tuesday. Next day i crashed. It had caused digestion problems, nausea, anxiete and prostat issue. Libido and erection was not effected too much (both still low). I got my blood tested two days later.

Total Testosterone 245ng/dl (241 - 827)
SHBG 18.2 nmol/L (13 - 71 nmol/L)
FSH 2.55 mIU/ml (1.5 - 12.4 )
LH 5.84 mIU/ml (1.7 - 8.6 )
ESTRADIOL 17.23 pg/mL (7.6 - 43)
PROLACTIN 9.76 ng/mL (4.6 - 21.4)

My Total T reached its lowest level ever measured. You can see my earlier test results from here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6844

I had felt like shit for 4 days. Actually i wasn’t expecting proviron to do this. It crashed me really bad. Fortunately, I am better since this morning.

It is very surprising with LH 5.84 and T only 245ng/dl? I have seen T in 400 or 500 with LH only 0.5.
I am still surprised why females on DHT don’t crash and how come these girls develop muscles and small penis. Clearly some thing is going on here but hidden from our eyes.

I had lh even higher and testosterone even lower when checked in february or march.

the problem is most of us don’t have pre-fin blood tests. maybe you have high pre-fin LH .
if you have brother or father you can get them to test their blood to have an idea about your blood level.

I think it depended on my previous usage of 2000u.l. of hcg that raised my testosterone much over the limit (giving me great results) when it was already very high after finasteride. After that testicles desensitized to lh, didn’t feel lh stimulation anymore. At that time i had very low libido, now my libido is good so i think i got through that low testosterone problem even if i haven’t checked hormones yet. My worst problem now is e.d. and secondly premature ejaculation, that i actually think is consequent upon e.d.

hey can anyone help me out with some proviron, i have just started trt and want to add it to it and see how it goes, i will keep you posted if with progress

I recommend that you use a very low dose if you’re going to use it while on TRT. I’ve had some success with 6.25 mg a day (1/4 tablet).

How long did you take it for? I’ve been wrestling with the idea of taking it for a few weeks now, but from what I’ve read the consensus seems it’ll do more harm than good in the long-run.

I just need to get my SHBG done, but other than Proviron I don’t see what options there are. I’m saving it as a last resort at the moment.

I don’t remember exactly. At least a week. I’ve had success with Primobolan Depot too, but unfortunately it’s hard to get hold of real Primo. I just bought a lot of ampules. They look real, with the boxes and leaflets, but the amount of oil varies, and it’s less than 1 ml in the ampules. I broke an ampule a week ago or so, and it contained ethyl oleate. Original Primobolan Depot doesn’t. I’m now wondering whether or not it contains methenolone.

I’ve used 6.25mg for a week now and haven’t noticed anything, positive or adverse. Tried a dose of 12mg to same effect. May try a full 25mg dose soon.

Ideally I’d like to see some signs of increased hairloss. At the moment I don’t understand why if my DHT and Testosterone levels are healthy, why my hair loss has completely halted.