Hello again.
If you have been following this thread you will know that I have been trying to work on the theory (that has actually been around in one form or another since the forum started) that the liver is involved. The reason that this theory exists at all is that the liver also plays a strong role in the homeostasis (metabolism/deactivation) of testosterone.
The Theory basically goes like this: Finasteride causes side effects related to those seen in androgen deprevation, this may occur in some due to Finasteride inhibiting its own metabolism. The same enzymes involved in metabolism can also deactivate testosterone, and prehaps when some people ‘crash’ or do not get better its because the liver is now hyperactive.
One problem that remained was that that blood test results showed normal testosterone levels and DHT levels, therefore it simply does not matter about anything the liver does if this all remains OK. I attempted to make an explanation for this by stating that there was something called ‘Phantom DHT’ which is the product of deactivated-testosterone and 5aR. However, it turns out i need not of tried to reinvent the wheel!
Phase 1 metabolism of testosterone occurs by hydroxylation by CYP3As - this leads to deactivation of testosterone. Phase 2 metabolism (which can just occur instead of phase 1) is Sulfoconjugation where testosterone is made unable to bind to androgen receptors in preperation for excretion with urine. Both of these processes are controlled by the Pregnane X Receptor.
I had ignored this phase 2 metabolism because I didnt understand it, it didnt fit in with my theory and I hadnt read the full papers my own theory had relied upon. I now have. It turns out phase 2 metabolism is much moe important than i knew.
[Size=4]Pregnane X Receptor As A Therapeutic Target To Inhibit Androgen Activity[/size] Zhang et al
[b]Another major pathway to inhibit androgen activity is hormone metabolism, which includes the sulfotransferase (SULT)-mediated sulfoconjugation and cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated hydroxylation…
…Sulfonation plays an important role in steroid hormone deactivation, because sulfonated hormones often fail to bind to and activate their cognate receptors and thus lose their hormonal activities…
…Changes in hepatic hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase (SULT2A1)expression can result in alterations in androgen hormonal activity and responsiveness. Androgen sensitivity of the rat liver was inversely correlated with the hepatic expression of SULT2A1…
In addition to SULT2A1, the CYP3A enzymes also contribute to androgen deprivation through their oxidative deactivation of testosterone…
PXR has been established as a master regulator that controls the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters. The PXR target genes include CYP3As and SULT2A1…
…We propose that PXR-mediated SULT2A1and CYP3As gene activation represents a novel mechanism to lower androgen activity.
Activation of PXR in mice inhibited androgen-dependent prostate regeneration…
Activation of PXR induced the expression of CYP3As and SULT2A1/2A9, hydroxytestosterone and testosterone sulfate failed to activate AR, and a forced expression of CYP3A11 or SULT2A1 was sufficient to deactivate androgens…
6β-hydroxytestosterone and testosterone sulfate are the primary testosterone metabolites upon CYP3As and SULT2A1 metabolism, respectively. We used transient transfection to determine whether 6β-hydroxytestosterone and testosterone sulfate are indeed hormonally inactive…
…treatment with T induced the reporter gene activities, whereas the activation of reporter gene was not observed in
6β-OH-T or T-Sulfate treated cells.
…forced expression of either CYP3A11 or SULT2A1 inhibited T and DHT-induced reporter gene activation.
It is believed that most of the androgen actions are mediated through AR, whose activation stimulates a cascade of events that are required for the initiation and progression prostate cancer (26). As such, the most effective endocrine therapy for prostate cancer has been the androgen ablation (27). Other than castration and the use of anti-androgens, an important pathway to deactivate androgens is through the enzyme-mediated metabolic inactivation. In this study, we revealed a novel PXR-controlled and SULT2A1- and CYP3As-mediated pathway of lowering androgen activity.
We propose that the PXR-SULT2A1 and -CYP3As pathways represent a novel mechanism to lower androgen activity.[/b]