The Antibiotic Connection - CYP3A4

Bump. It does seem like CYP3A4 has something to do with PFS. Like we all had diminished CYP3A4 activity due to genetics or antibiotics (which i had taken several times in my life for acne) or antifungals or whatever. And then upon administering the finasteride, our bodies tried ti eliminate it from our system with the help if that enzyme which had been previously been weakened, causing the fin to run amok, making us feel great in the process until some other mechanism came in to shut the whole thing down.

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Glad you bumped this because there definitely might be something to this one and thanks to the user up there who showed what it is involved with.

I actually now am morbidly curious as to how I’d react to a dose of testosterone even though based on my experiences already I am 99 percent sure that would be a horrible idea and crash me permanently. Every time I take anything remotely steroidal I get both benefits and near misses with crashes and sexual functioning specific problems. Recently I wanted to see what would happen if I ate a massive amount of asparagus all at once because of that compound protodioscin. Took 2 whole bags, lightly cooked them, and chowed down. Huge increase in energy, I mean I felt like the hulk and my social ability and desire shot through the roof, I also had no more anxiety. It completely obliterated it temporarily. There was one problem though, dick would not work. It just wouldn’t respond to anything in thay state. The next day I was much stronger and some of the benefits in anxiety reduction and increased social functioning lingered. Though the next day the ED was still an issue and it didn’t get better till I was out of that state again and back to my previous baseline with not so great but functioning responsiveness sexually but with no more benefits I got from the large amount of asparagus.

Interesting that vitamin D3 is also handled by it because the same pattern erupts but only vitamin D3 has much more unstable effects and I simply can’t do it anymore. I recently tried it topically as I wanted to see what happened and it was a disaster. I took 1000 iu of my MCT oil based vegan D3 drops and rubbed them into my wrist. I didn’t get any genital shrinkage like I did from oral dosages but I did initially get as expected a spike in ED though it wasn’t too bad. I noticed though that I had much more sensation down there and when I did get it going, I had one of the most pleasurable orgasms I had in a while. I got some weird dry mouth on and off throughout the day that decreased in intensity as the days passed since the dose. The dose initiated extremely anxiety all day long, my social functioning was replaced with sheer exisstencial terror and I felt like I had drank 50 cups of the worst coffee of all time while all the same I somehow felt more mentally dull and a bit anhedonic. Wasn’t really getting anything out of anything I previously enjoyed in this state. That night I had insomnia, I was barely able to even just lay down and relax. When I did I had horrible migraine like dreams and woke up feeling like I didn’t get any rest at all. This went on for 2 days with decreasing intensity till today where I’m feeling relatively ok if still a bit anxiety ridden and string out feeling, functioning socially was a bit rough today but nothing like the past couple. Sexual functioning and sensitivity is normal again for what it’s been maybe slightly more reactive actually on the bounce back. Had a little dry mouth this morning but nothing crazy. Very strange, I wonder what is going on here.

I think this could be plausible…therefore taking a CYPA34 inducer like St John’s Wort can help the enzyme get back to functioning again

In short we need to find a lab which can measure our CYP3A4 and other P450 enzymes.