Testosterone Lab Results, help

Hi everyone,
So I decided to go to the urologist and get my testosterone checked. Quick background on me - I’m 27, I started 1.25mg of Finasteride in July of 2018. Started experiencing bad side effects in October so I decided to cut the dosage down to .50mg. Side effects diminished a little but still had ED and the skin around my penis was loose. A couple weeks ago, I decided that I was going to wean off the med. I started taking .25mg per day for about a week and now I’m down to .125mg per day. I’m starting to feel a lot better and don’t notice any side effects except for a slight decrease in libido. I’m absolutey terrified of PFS so I decided to get my testosterone checked.

I got my blood checked 3 days ago. My testosterone results came back as high: 1297 ng/dL. It says the standard range is typically around 240-871 ng/dL. My doctor said that it typically takes 3-4 months before my testosterone will fall into the normal range after stopping fin. Is this cause for concern? Am I likely to experience a severe crash since my T levels are so high?

Hi mate
This is a very familiar story of T levels ramping up whilst on finasteride personally I think this plays a big part in crash that people fall foul of
I wouldn’t worry too much i think the main concern here is to allow those T levels to slowly lower back to baseline without letting them just drop off quickly.
I would think that heavy weight training over the next few weeks Would do the trick as this would stimulate your body to produce more T which will compensate for the natural decline in T as the finasteride leaves your system.
I’m sure someone on this forum can suggest supplements to aid this transition period.
BCAAs and vitamin D are the things that should be topped up to help out I probably wouldn’t use anything more myself.
At this point I wouldn’t go worrying too much i would just live a healthy lifestyle getting plenty of quality nutrition exercise and sleep let your body do the rest.
Don’t read into things too much this just creates worry and stress which is the last things you need right now.
It’s great to see that you sought medical advice at an early stage this is the vital thing alot of people leave until after they have tried everything under the sun which can be negative and make things far worse well done mate.
Hope things all go smoothly for you keep us updated . :+1:

Ive recently been to a urologist myself
Here’s the info

Well worth your time reading at your stage

Thanks for the reply. I did read your post earlier, very helpful. Whether or not I fully recover, I will definitely be making a post on my outcome after I’ve been off the medication for at least 2 months.