Tenacity - My story with Lexapro

Curious if you’re still on the Wellbutrin, and if it did anything for you.

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I went back on wellbutrin but I was metabolizing it too slow so it was like literal crack to me when I gave it long enough a chance. No sexual sides though and I think it could potentially be beneficial to someone else.

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I also came back to say I had some genetic testing done recently and I’d like to send it to whoever might find it useful for some type of data set they might be working on. It is genesight but it highlights some alleles that might be important I suppose. Based on the data received I’m given desvenlafaxine a run and taking a bit of a risk. My priority is getting my anxiety and normal functioning back in check because at this point the sex is just a bonus of sorts in my eyes. haha. So far no problems though but I’ll be updating as I move along. I was on vortioxetine for some months with no problems as well. It would seem as though these multimodal ADs cause less problems than ones that strictly target SERT (ex. citalopram/escitalopram - might as well be the same thing lol.)

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Since I wrote, I did get on Wellbutrin, working up to 2x a day. After about 10 weeks, motivation has picked up quite a bit, but emotions still flat. Side effects of it have subsided (constipation, erratic sleep) , except for the sun sensitivity.

I’m staying on it, because, and fortunately, so far, it’s been positive for me. I pray the benefits continue.

im happy its working for you. it definitely gave me energy, but to the point of worsened anxiety for me, so i had to jump ship. fingers crossed for you!

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I also tried vortioxetine and it did not really relieve my anxiety. Funny enough escitalopram has been the best in terms of that for me but I’m currently trying fluoxetine. I hope you find some relief man I feel for you. Also did your doctor order the test or you did it yourself?

My doctor ordered the test. Escitalopram caused me sexual problems that lasted about a year after discontinuation for the worst of it, but I still feel like I have some kind of diminished response, not that I can with 100% certainty say that it is responsible. It makes sense that escitalopram would help for anxiety given how selective it is, but that also causes problems for some.