Hey, I am from pssdforum. I saw a post that was welcoming users from pssdforum to come here. First of all, I apologize if I was still supposed to use the template that was created for new member stories. I am 18 years old and will be starting college in a month. After experiencing a severe panic attack and being stuck in a constant state of anxiety with debilitating physical symptoms, I started taking the SSRI antidrepressant Lexapro (escitalopram) on June 17th, 2018. I noticed I was having problems achieving and maintaining an erection just 4 days later. I quit the medicine cold turkey. Since then I have seen some very small improvements. I was swapped over to Wellbutrin, which I took for 2 days. I believe it has been 2 weeks since I stopped the Wellbutrin. I stopped taking it after I noticed that it had reset me back to where I was before. I don’t see any issues with my libido really. My desire seems just as strong as it was before. I just can’t get hard very easily. I’m just a little over a month out, and I know that there is still a strong chance that I can recover from this, but it has been a little bit frustrating. I am trying to stay positive, and I have been exercising when I can. I plan on getting hormone testing done in a few weeks if I find that I don’t see more improvement. Again, apologies if I was supposed to have put this in the format still. My main goals for right now are to wait things and stay positive. I think my issue really is a combination of severe anxiety and the effects of the medicine. I’ve been trying to not let my physical anxiety symptoms get the best of me. Occasionally I do get really upset and down on myself because this is really frustrating, but I always reassure myself by saying things could totally be worse.
EDIT: Will be revising this to fit the new member template tonight or tomorrow.