Tactra penile prosthesis

Yes. Check out the link to the thread I posted.

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I get the picture that your dopamine and serotonine pathways (and their ratios to other hormones) are working quite ok but your HPTA is messed? Main thing might be getting your testo-estradiol ratio closer to your personal sweet spot and your systems might work at some level?
Based on those I would have guessed that low dose monotherapy AI would have helped you. But apparently it didnt? What AI’s have you used, what dosing and how long? And also testogel did nothing?

I used anastrozole, letrozole, exemestane, at various doses, and with other drugs as well. I don’t remember exactly which and at what dose, I’m sure I’ve written all about it on the forum, you can click my username and check my other posts…

Testogel did nothing, nor did anything else do anything. As I explained in my previous post, there was no difference in my symptoms even at that time when I had perfect hormone levels. If PFS was somewhat fixable by playing with hormone levels, some doctor would have done it long ago. Unfortunately PFS is nothing like a regular hypogonadism which can be fixed with hormones.

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