SURVEY - everyone please post!

Dude, you’re young, you’ll get over that shit. believe me. You’ll make other friends. I lost from 26-30 because of this shit. I also undertook dangerous treatments and toxic drugs for three years to combat what I thought were the side effects of neuro-lyme. Little did I know after finding this site that it was the propecia the whole time. Could have saved myself three years worth of torture. Oh well, what are you gonna do? Complaining about it will just make it worse. It won’t fix it.

  1. 34 months
  2. 1 mg for 16 months, 1.25 mg for 18 months
  3. 22-25
  4. N/A
  1. 8 weeks total (56 days)
  2. 1mg/day – Propecia
  3. Age 24 – been off 3.5 months now
  4. Never had any sexual/physical problems, only slurring of speech/mental cognition impairment – always had morning wood before, during, and after Propecia, a testiment to the fact that it has different effects on different people.
  1. 3 wks max
  2. 1mg/day – Propecia
  3. Age 24 – been off 8months now
  4. Sexual (rare morning wood, rare-never nighttime erections, on/off erectile dysfunction, libido slightly lower, anxiety/depression up due to erectile problems). Seriously fuck this medication. I pray that I improve, and I have hope some days, but I will be crushed and bitter if this medication is the reason I have to break up with my girlfriend

1)60 mos give or take


3)40. I’ve been off for 6mos

4)N/A I rarely get any type of wood! :imp:

  1. 57, give or take…Oct’03-July '08
  2. 1mg
  3. 20-25
  4. started to gain feeling, increase in libido, and reversed physical alterations…its been 5 months now, and unfortunately the sharp recovery has tappered off, i’m around 70-75% of what i once was…
  1. 10 years
  2. 2.5 mg
  3. 42-52
  4. just quit 4 days
  1. 18 months
  2. 1 mg
  3. 18-19
  4. Been off 8 months, no more anxiety, much less depression, sleep better, but little sexual improvement. Still feel effects of lower T, eg feel less “alive” and low libido.
  1. 6 months
  2. .5 - 1mg
  3. 25 years old, 33 now.
  4. In last 6 months a “road to recovery” is looking more attainable. Most of my time has been spent studying the issue + experimenting with solutions & battling with doctors to get proper treatment.
  1. 1 month
  2. 1.25 mg
  3. 38
  4. Complete loss of libido, errections dissapeared (morning, spontaneous and those during sex). One month after quitting, it was back to normal, but then three-four months in – complete loss of sexual appetite or libido. Like mowing the lawn.
  1. 8 years (first 3 years consistently followed by 5 years of on and off activity depending on if I could afford it at the time)

  2. 1mg

  3. 28-36, 38 now

  4. Never had problems with ED but have some decreased sensitivity. Depression and anxiety have decreased but not 100% resolved, dizzyiness/disorientation and roaming pains (head, neck, chest) come and go from week to week. Main major problems that have gradually worsened have been severe cognitive impairment (i.e. brainfog and memory problems).

  1. 1,5 months
  2. 1mg
  3. 24
  4. N/A (1 year and 4 months off, 50% more or less)
  1. 2 months
    2)1 mg
  2. 20 when I took it…Stopped it after 2 months…I’m now 27 years of age.
    4)N/A. I have not recovered.
  1. 2.5
  2. 1mg
  3. at the time-34, now 35.
  4. Just starting to notice sexual sides/ed and not being able to hold my bladder. When did i notice? 7 months after stopping.

(1). 12 months
(2). 0.8 mg
(3). Age 28, now 35.
(4). N/A

  1. NUMBER MONTHS OF USING PROPECIA? took Saw Palmetto extract for 5 months
  2. DOSE? 320 mg extract
  3. AGE? 42
  4. NUMBER OF MONTHS FOR NORMAL SEXUAL FUNCTION TO OCCUR AFTER DISCONTINUING THE USE OF PROPECIA? (IF YOU HAVE NOT RECOVERED, PLEASE PUT N/A) 2-3 after discontinuing. Got normal breifley then got back again. Up and down. some times seems becoming normal sometimes very very worse.
  1. 9 days
  2. 1 mg
  3. At that time 30, now 33
  4. N/A

number of years is 8
1mg dose
started at 25 im now 33
stoppped about 2 months ago

less than a week
1/4 proscar
20 now 21
on 3rd day of usage felt testicle pain and balls drop then stopped immediately, since then im having cycles of ed, low libido, balls hanging real low , cycles could be in a day or in weeks, 5 months off and there are days i feel close to 100% and days i feel like shit, but overall my sensitivity is not the same, or my orgasm

  1. 36 months
  2. 1 mg
  3. 25-27
  4. N/A - been off 6 months, zero recovery. Zero libido, severe ED.