Sunlight and PFS?

Found this study that says UV radiation changes receptor expression in the skin. So far sunlight is the ONLY thing that gives my skin its glow back that I’ve lost since Minoxidil. I also notice an increase in libido after sun exposure and a number of people have said working out in the sun has done positive things for them.

Not a cure but potentially another treatment to add to your list.

Lots of people say sun has an effect, I’m aware of it being both good and bad for some.

Before this goes down the vitamin d supplement route, it is not recommended that people take very high doses of vitamin D. We are aware of at least one person saying they significantly worsened with high dose vitamin D.

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Prolonged sun exposure makes some of my symptoms worse. I wrote about it here

It’s strange. I feel awful in direct sunlight. It often leads to me feeling overheated.

But, I also often feel better AFTER a day of working outside in the sun and seem to have better sexual function on those nights. Maybe vitamin D is involved, but supplementation with moderate doses never seemed to have an effect for me.

The study shows that UV radiation itself changes androgen receptor expression in skin. Vitamin D has almost nothing to do with this, I’ve supplemented 25,000 UI every day and… I mean yeah, no difference at all.

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Wonder what the effect of environmental UVB radiation exposure is… The study used a single “sub-lethal” exposure. I only mention this because I have read of positive correlations between sun exposure and androgen levels in the past.

ps- There’s a nice article that summarizes research on seasonal changes that includes some discussion of sunlight exposure. There are conflicting results of many of the studies though. If you could get access to the full-text it looks like a good read:

Exposure to sunlight increases testosterone. If you get sunlight on your back it doubles your testosterone levels and if you can get sunlight on your testicles it triples your testosterone. I read a study on this in 2014 but can’t seem to find the study. Here’s something I found on it tho

I think it does more than just increase test… For me it really makes me feel a bit better with my libido and skin. But only after long sessions, like 1.5-2 hrs.