study for finasteride effects using animal model.

hopefully we’ll have some answers in 2016,its strange,when I first started propecia the first couple of weeks I got a feeling like I was going to piss myself all the time but that soon went away,apart from that the only other things I noticed over the next few year were a very slight drop in libido and erection strength which were barely noticable,and also some intense shooting pains up my arse,i came off the drug about 3 times over the course of the 3 year I was taking it,usually for around 6 weeks but soon went back on it when my hair began to shed again,3 times I dodged the pfs bullet then towards the end I ordered a generic form of proscar from the net to save a little money as it was loads cheaper than the propecia I had been taking all along,the fincar as it was called took longer than expected to arrive and I had ran out of propecia so had been off it around 2 or 3 weeks before my fincar arrived,after taking the fincar for probably a month to six weeks I crashed badly,if I remember right before the crash my sex drive was through the roof one minute and down the next,its as if something was flickering on and off then finally off for good,i think that is the best explanation ive ever given on here of what happened in my case,one thing I do remember of the crash is the awful metallic taste in my mouth that wouldn’t go away,anyone else have this???

Robo similar to me but i didnt get metalic taste. It seems that guys like you can take fin for years quit many times and be fine. Then some day something goes wrong. Many experience increased libido before things go south.

The fact that it can happen so quickly to me indicates it is not some kind of systematic damage. Why would all cells be damaged in 1 day when we were fine for weeks, months or years?

How to explain an increase in libido before a crash?

I had had the same on/off switch until finally it got smoothly off.
Anyway guys please tell me are you interested in the study or not. I have to respond to university asap. It took me long time to find this university. I can not cover expenses alone simple is that. I will also need an official letter of request for this study.
Guys please help to get it done.

Hey good for you, but please provide some more info. Which university? Do they have any interest beyond studying mice? I’ll fund any resesrcher who wants to study finasteride induced disease, but it may not be needed at this point. Melcangi has studied the mice and already and it’s pretty clear what the drug does. We need the human studies more than anything at this point, but the mouse models will help future study when they experiment with altering fucked up cells. So love to hear more what you lined up.

This is an Indian university. I contacted them after reading their paper about damage caused by an insecticide. My interest is to find if there is any damage to liver, kidney or brain.

There is no reason to do tests on the Rat brain since the Italians are already on the case and even posting their findings. The kidney and liver might something to look into just so we can have all of our bases covered.

If not enough funds and support is gathered then this research will not start.

They think they’re OK but something is wrong with them

This is true. I’ve come across guys who have taken fin and they had side effects and had no clue it was due to fin. I got them off it straight away. There will be guys on hairloss forums who will be dealing with early effects of PFS and have no clue its due to fin. One of the early symptoms is tiredness but who relates this to declining testosterone when you’re young and healthy. I was watching a doc about media in the US. Basically, mainstream news channels like NBC don’t say negative stuff about Corporations it’s not the culture, they don’t have much need for investigative journalism like here in the UK. Given that fin is used by millions of men in the US, it’s pretty scary that news channels will protect Merck. The US is geared to supporting the Corporation that’s one of the reasons they have become so powerful.

How much money do you need?

for full study we seeing around US$12000. But I need also request to be made officially, like from pfsfoundation.
I think (maybe I am wrong) this is very good oppertunity. At least we would know that there is /no damage in our vital organs like kidneys, liver, brain etc.if there is the what kind of? maybe it will cause to launch another study.

And keep in mind this is will be a different kind of study. The researcher will not just feed the fin and start their research. they will look for sick/affected rats and only those were will tested for possible damage.

In simple words we will try to create pfs in rats, and if few rats got pfs then we will try to find what has gone wrong with them.

I understand and its legitimate. But to create PFS in rats is a pretty hard task. I wonder what % of Fin users develop PFS. 1%? 1 out of 500? Who knows. And how do you determine the rats’ side effects?

Its really hard to know who to give money to, and how it will be used. What if give 2500$ but the 12000$ objective isnt reached?

Honnestly, I would make a check for 10k$ right now if I knew it would solve PFS, but I don’t see any serious researches that are in the right direction. I think it would take alot more money, and mostly, it would take all of the few players involved so everyone works in the same direction. What’s step #1, then step #2, etc. Right now, everyone is a little everywhere and nothing will ever get done this way.

We can only hope that this changes so that every penney invested in PFS research is efficient and gets us closer to a cure.

Appreciate to see some people involved in trying to raise money though. That is the starting point!

I have sent email to pfsfoundation and waiting for answer from them. I am scared if they don’t show the interest then it will hard. because the university has asked to make the request officially. This is the hardest part.
Any of us can collect money. each of us woul tell on the forum that how much has he donated so that every member can see it is transparent. I want to make it clear I will not collect any money. Someone trustworthy should take the responsibility.
Or maybe pfsfoundaton will agree to support and none of us will have to do.

The only true study will be the one when they ban Fin and we get to see how many people around the world crash from taking this poison. It will be like a conscious awakening. If Merck said that Fin side effects are found in 2% of patients, given that we know they lied about their research I’m guessing it will be more. When the PFS Foundation was set up my initial thought was that those involved knew this drug was going to fuck up a lot more people than the few registered here. There are many more guys dealing with PFS in some form or another but have no idea why because this condition hasn’t gone mainstream. Lots of guys suffer from Low T for many years and their Dr’s say it’s all in their heads and there’s nothing wrong with them. Once the lawsuits start kicking off and media sources get hold of this more guys will start to figure shit out and that will mean more funding for the Foundation etc.

andyuk I cant agree more. I think only 2% don’t get sides from 5ARs the rest 98% get sides.

pfsfoundation is not interested in the study.
I don’t find resources to pay for the study.
I am going to request the university to cancel the study. I think this was a good opportunity to know more about the nature of the damage caused by the fin. Unfortunately we are going to lose it. I have not used Fin but still was trying to help you guys.

I had PFS for years but i didn’t know it. I thought i had latent assexality and CFS. Who would know that a cosmetic herb or medication would fuck u up?

I bet there is 100,000 men out there who saw a dr after their PFS crash and are on SSRI and seeing psychologists for their full blown pfs

In mice there is an identified and mitochondrial toxic metabolite that doesn’t exist in humans…

Finasteride metabolism is not the same accross species.

That could be the reason