Struggling with PFS (8 years taking propecia)

Dude, karma is not what I’m referring to. I’m referring to labeling ourselves as having PFS. Labeling has a tremendous impact on our mental health. how many times have you been to the clinic with your PFS symptoms and received proper treatment? How many times have you brought PFS related literature to the clinic and have received a positive outcome? My point is until treatment is developed, I am personally walking away from the label PFS and acknowledging that finasteride played a role but even scientists don’t know the full impact from this drug so how can we know? My perspective is strictly from a mental health perspective BTW.

And btw, this is my personal story/log and hence giving my perspective from the way I see it over the past 2+ years. That was why I didn’t post this as a general post.

I don’t need to know the full impact this drug has had on my body. I just need to know the symptoms.

I’m not putting a label on myself, I just think “I have to deal/cure these symptoms”.

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thats cool bro, so then what’s your argument when my post is about mental health and placing a label over our head with the title PFS? If your argument is not denying or refuting that labeling ourselves as PFS does not have a negative impact on our health, then we are not arguing the same discussion and our conversation is apples and oranges. I’m not talking about symptoms…I’m talking about labeling.

By the way, to be clear, for someone that has experienced symptoms during and after taking propecia (10 years), I’m not denying that finasteride causes symptoms. For me and what makes it hard is I had some of my symptoms before starting finasteride such as anxiety attacks so it’s hard to gauge if it’s caused by propecia or something else. I also have had IBS related symptoms since I was in high school. However my sexual desires, digestion, and muscles have changed during and post.

I’m simply arguing that labels has a tremendous impact on mental health and I can post medical articles shortly. This applies to people with Alzheimer’s, MS, etc…

Dude, this thing sucks but I’m simply offering a mental health suggestion while scientists and doctors figure out what’s going on.

It comes down to what you are more comfortable with, I guess.

Yes, I’m not a fan of labels, but I think some of us could find a little relief in the PFS label so they know they are “not alone” in this.

And when it comes to sharing with others, it can make a big difference: you tell people a symptom you are a hypocondriac, you tell people a disease your condition is real.

But yeah, generally speaking I agree with you and personally I prefer not to labels on myself.

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Oh, that’s the case for me as well.

Now, sexually I didn’t have any symptoms so the connection is crystal clear to me.

But when it comes to anxiety and emotional turmoil, I can perfectly tell how and where Fin made it worse.

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Appreciate the feedback. Dude trust me, if I didn’t believe that finasteride didn’t have anything to do with my or our issues, I would not be on this website. Just like you, I try to go after symptoms usually with little to no luck on my end. Some days are rough bro like today. Wholly cow I didn’t feel a single thing today and will often find myself not caring and will revert back to is PFS or hey I got PFS. Would y’all be down to start therapy zoom sessions? I can create the group

Not at this point in time for me.

But appreaciate the initiative, and I’m sure a lot of people here would be happy to join you.

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Scotsman, I am not following what you mean. Is this about you or about me?

I’m sorry MatchaTea. I’ll remove the post.

You know what man, same here and I’m sorry too. I was VERY triggered by the post because it dealt with my spouse. I know you were joking but Today was a hard day so that didn’t help. Had it been any other day I probably would have gotten the joke but 10 years of this crap gets old. Regardless, peace be with you as we are in this journey together. I’m taking a break from this site. Y’all take care.


yellow stool did you research it

In the initially phase we have all this yellow stools, with unfermented food in it. After a while most of us get then constipation.
Dear @kaplani
Its like a list you have to check. moderate cases not so much, severe cases have to check up everything in the long list of siteeffects.

Hope you are moderate case. It helps a lot to talk to other victims and to read the stories to reflect Im not allone.

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however, is the cause of these yellow stools known?
what is cause? how is it supposed to be related to finasteride? unfermented? undigested?

a list of things that need to be checked after taking finasteryd ? where can I find such a list?
what can I expect after 15 mounth taking?
and it’s been 11 years since the end.

I often have bright./ yellow stools. examination of feces does not show food residues. starch, muscle fibers, fat. examination done repeatedly.
however, from what comes out, the reason is the accelerated passage. Which is caused by SIBO/leaking intestine.
apparently finasteride changes the composition of the intestinal bacterial flora? or is it yellow stools associated with the liver? lab test shows that the liver is fine. too MRI/MRCP …

is there any association of finasteride with the pancreas? I have mild pancreatic hyperenzymia. lipase elevated <1.3 fold max normal value.
tripsine elevated <1.7 fold max normal value
almost certainly excluded inflammation

I also saw that the kidneys could be damaged.
and I often have serum creatinine at max.
however, daily urine collection also shows a lot of creatinine in the urine. creatinine clearance will therefore go to the maximum >140 ml/min…
lack of protein in the urine, electrophoresis of urine proteins impossible to do because of too little protein, albumina in urine checked, a2 mikroglobulina in urine checked

Finsteride interferes with bile acid synthesis to some degree, I bet the yellow / pale stools is a symptom of this.

Having impaired bile acid synthesis will then impact the gut microbiota both directly and indirectly.

Also without the right amount of bile acids you get unabsorbed fat in the colon which will lead to bloating and/or diarrhea.



Today, marks the first time I have heard a doctor say to me, “another patient that was also taking finasteride has similar symptoms as you.” She believed everything I was telling her and she responded with, “did you know that the American cardiac association are now recommending not to take an aspirin daily?”

My point is, time will tell and people will soon realize that this drug is not what people think. Here is one doctor that made the connection and I hope one day they all will.


Absolutely it took DECADES for PSSD to get taken seriously. And now it’s medically recognized in europe.

Only a matter of time for the same to happen to finasteride.

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My dermatologist knew about the persistent finasteride consequences. Yet she didn’t believe me when I told I developed some unexpected sides. I’m going to have a serious conversation with her now, when all the damage is obvious.

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