So, everyone is fine just living with this then?

Me too so much more can be achieved. I am the campaigner Daryl Brown. Working on a petition to the charity Mind at the moment to include side effects in their research surveys. I did ask them to, predictably they said no.

Organisations and politicians don’t seem to care unless public pressure is applied on them.


Hey Daryl!!
So happy you understand the desperate need for something like this. We just need all the people like us in the same “room” to make something happen. Do you mind if I add you to the list? By that I mean do you mind if I follow up with you? I might create a group for the youtubers/activists so we can encourage each other and provide feedback. I feel like the mixed video will be just as important if not more important.

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Hi Bunny yes put me on the list and follow up with me, that would be great. Thanks

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