Shortness of breath

I also have this problem.

I use to be a big runner before PFS but sometimes when I try and run it feels like I’m a 90 year old man when I run just a few yards because I can’t get enough air into my lungs.

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I had suffered this same issue but the causative factor may (or may not) be different. At any case, try and look into getting your ferritin level tested. Ideal is around 100. Iron is necessary as carrier for oxygen through red blood cells. I remember having EKG test but it was normal.

I have been experiencing shortness of breath, and today was informed I am developing COPD. Wondering if it can be fin related?

For the record, I am 66 and have never been a smoker of any substance. Jim

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COPD „chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" - what a shit! No smoker, no work with dusty particles etc. Is it PFS related than every thing we suffer from??

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