Sexual Orientation Change - I am now gay

Well dont have it here, maybe I search, but it was estrogen+finasteride+rats, I dont know what they were searching for.

I found an interesting article



“He also said animal studies on Propecia showed an increased propensity for homosexuality.”

One of the those is the one I saw. All people claiming its bullshit they are just clueless ignorants.


Dope story, but i hope we dont turn into women (or gay, no pun) --> He also said animal studies on Propecia showed an increased propensity for homosexuality.

Grossman estimates that more than 1,500 Propecia users will come forward but added, “Many men are embarrassed to reveal their problems to anyone, including their doctors, so thousands more will go on living with the condition in private.”

@WorriedGuy123 Stay strong brother, dont give in to those urges you have!!!


I must admit that after playing with progesterone, after leaving it I was one month feeling verrrrrry femenin, and as you said the last thing I wanted is to commennt that, ty with some ella pill it dissapeared, also i did a try and watch gay porn and fortunatley the primitive brain rejected it instantly, I near poked.

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another pfs guy told me he used to be bisexual before pfs, now he is only straight…

Oh yeah, I forgot about thisα-Reductase_deficiency

Ok this is interesting. Doc Gordon claims DHT is responsible for the brain’s gender orientation



very interesting conversation

I prefer more masculine women now.

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Nice find!

I think that this goes beyond just DHT levels. I think our condition is with mutations with our hormonal receptors.

Perhaps if you braised it properly you could get one


I haven’t read the whole thread but this is truly mind-boggling. Maybe hormones ratios play a role here? I’m
particularly referring to higher estrogens to andogens ratio. I remember stumbling upon a hair loss forum in which some members were taking straight estrogen pills to reverse thinning hair and were reporting changes to their libido, as in feeling hornier but in a different way. One described it as “female kind of horny”. Not sure if this is even the true cause.

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You have been nominated for post of the year!

I happen to read Encyclopedia Dramatica for the news …and dirt about Kevin Mann.


Was reading through this topic and remembered hearing that exposure to different hormones in the womb was found to exert some influence on sexual orientation.

Makes sense that a drastic alteration in hormone signalling could have a similar influence on an adult brain.


Your story is not the only one I have heard-it is okay whomever you want to sleep with. Do not worry about it too much. I am still blown away at the number of comments your post has. I hope every single one of these people fill out the MHRA survey going on RIGHT NOW in the UK. Sexual side effects and Suicide risks are horrible and far, far unreported.

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Homosexuality is very much linked to hormones. Especially progesterone.

Post fin I know many of us have high progesterone, me included.

I don’t know what my levels where before fin though, and I’m not feeling homosexual but rather asexual if anything.

Lmfao I miss @Dubya_B

This post was gold

Personally I really like FBB (female bodybuilders), and muscular women, but since before PSSD this has never been a problem for me. I also really like skinny women and with regular body, I’ve only had relationships with women, never felt any attraction for men.

This is probably caused by a damage on neurosteroids