Scotsman's Story

I have lost a very small bit of length, yes, but nothing dramatic. Girth has not changed, which is what really matters to the ladies anyway. I think that the small amount of length decrease I have can be attributed to not getting raging erections anymore. If you’re not getting optimal blood flow to the penis, it won’t reach full size, so I think that’s my issue. At my absolute worst, erection quality was pretty bad… maybe 50% – and of course this killed length and girth.

lenght seem the same
i lost only girth and not homogeneously (mainly in the middle)

in my case flaccid looks longer than before but thinner

more veins expecially spider veins

Over 6 years later I have reason to revive this old thread of mine.

Over that time I have lived with what has felt like a changed penis: some inadequate imposter that was just not my penis of old. Looking back at what I had posted previously, I don’t believe that my penis hangs longer as much as referenced above when flaccid and I don’t get that feeling of it being as light as a feather as much - I felt this most post orgasm. Anyway, in the intervening years I’ve taken to not paying my penis much attention, much in the same way as I’ve done with regards the damage to my face. I don’t particularly like looking at either so tend not too and I do believe that no matter how neurotic this sounds it really helps with preserving my mood. When I do look at my penis when flaccid, it is sadly still thinner and the skin is wrinkled. My penis when erect has also been compromised by fluctuating erection strength and never really stretched the skin so as the glans appears beyond the foreskin which happened all the time pre-pfs. When I have manually done this in the past it was evidently a different shape to what it was pre-pfs, a bit like a stocking that has not been fully stuffed. Anyway.

I’ve had reason to measure my penis as I have been meaning to purchase a Bathmate penis pump and they come in different sizes. I have been reluctant to do this. When I first became aware of the loss of length when erect my despair was further fuelled by measurements that slipped below 5" and I was faced with now having a no arguments small penis. When I measured my penis recently is was about 5". I wanted to measure again as the advice is to measure by gently pressing the measure against the pubic bone and taking it from there. When I measured it again at the beginning of this week my penis came in at 6". It wasn’t just the addition from measuring from the bone that made this feel like such a landmark. My penis in itself looked the fullest it’s been in years, probably the most like its old self. To put this into context I have stopped masturbating every second day. I used to do this routinely with an overall and continued feeling of meh. I have stopped this and although my libido is still very low, I am now masturbating about once a week or a week and a bit. I have also started taking l’arginine again and vitamin d3 at 10000 iu, having also taken this previously. When I orgasmed this week it spurted out, again this has never happened like this in years. The volume is still low and it doesn’t go that far, but it felt more like a frenzied spurt than a half-hearted delivery. This one occasion has told me that I haven’t lost my penis. Something resembling my penis of old is still there. There may be variables that need to be resolved, but it contents me greatly knowing that I am pretty much still there.

To quote from my diary: WTF & WOW!

& to quote from my message to @Greek:

I can’t tell you how happy I am that my old penis is somehow still intact, despite the thinning of the shaft and the lightness I’ve felt it. It’s like I’ve been given a new penis. I know that there is still a lot of variability there but it makes me so much happier knowing that the old model is still residing there. I feel like I’ve won a battle in a long war and can take the contentment in knowing that my penis isn’t irrevocably broken forward. To take the whole war analogy forward, it makes my future campaign much less onerous.

I must thank @Greek for encouraging me to post this and I hope that this post offers some comfort to others who have also been affected in this way.


I’m really glad that you shared this publicly, @Scotsman.

This is great news, obviously for anyone dealing with shrinkage, but also potentially for anyone here.

Anyone who thinks their condition is permanent should really take note of this, whatever they’re dealing with, and remember going forward that it’s possible for conditions to improve over months or even years, sometimes quickly and sometimes gradually. If we knew more about the mechanism behind the condition and improvements like this, we could all likely be treated very quickly and efficiently.

I’d like to hijack this thread further to say that if you’re reading this and have had some good news, don’t by shy and let everyone know. We all need some light amidst all this darkness.


I am going through same thing very thin flaccid, cold, wrinkled, dry,dark and very light penis with emerged veins.

It’s been 1.5 years and it is getting worse I have ED, VERY low libido, tinnitus and muscle twitching too.


its the smooth muscle atrophy from androgen deprivation/poor erections/not enough bloodflow, once all these are restored im pretty sure you can get your old dick back. Im in the exact same situation but when i kegel i can keep pumping blood in and it somehow resembles my old penis. Still alot lighter and very rough and rigid but im pretty sure once 5ar2 expression is restored the tissue will fill back in


If nothing else, thank you for coming back so many years later to give an update. It seems like so many users come here, tell horror stories and then disappear and never come back to update. Maybe thats a good thing? Maybe we are only reading the worst of the worst and people rarely tell good news here. Anyway, thank you for sharing and congrats on your progress!


Hi Scotsman,

This is a fantastic results and I really pleased to hear it! Definitely it will give a lot people hope on this forum. So did you only notice these changes relatively recently? Do you think its taken several years for you to recover to this level? Not sure if you ever hand any troubles with erections but has this also improved over the years?

How about the subcutaneous fat issue? Has that seen any improvement over the years?

Well done again mate, happy for you. You’ve stuck around on the forum and helped other people so I feel you deserve a bit of luck!


I’ve just been reading through your story more, in particular your blood tests. I was fascinated to see that you saw an endocrinologist and they said that your blood tests were fine! Your testosterone was definitely low for man of your age and I would say in say pretty much in the borderline category (typically values from 8-12) are borderline and you were literally just above these). Your LH and FSH were also low with main labs saying they need to be above 2.

Its just seemed concerning that so many people get told their labs are ‘fine’ yet are presenting with borderline low results and symptoms. I’m not a doctor and maybe I’m completely wrong, maybe there there are good reasons why these doctors are satisfied with these results. But from wha I have read about these types of problems, it is sensible to take into account symptoms and blood tests scores.

I suppose this is not an issue for you now Scotsman, several years later but I thought it was worth mentioning really.

Out of curiosity, have you hand any blood tests done recently or in the past few years? Would be interesting to see where you levels are now really.

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This is a very positive development but I have some questions. First, why are you using inches when a simple rounding error could potentially be 10% of the total measurement. You should be using millimeters. Second, you changed your method of measurement. You say it wasn’t just that but it was some of it? How much of it? The way you have described it I have no way of knowing how much your penis has grown, if at all.

Hi there Will,

Thanks a lot for your words of support. To be honest I’ve not being paying my penis much attention, much in the same way as other symptoms I’m not happy with. Over the years ED has appeared to be more of an issue, with my erections extremely variable. I’m aware that when I believe that I have developed an erection without stimulation it is only really a semi (the same with morning wood), and probably needs further stimulation to improve. It was only because of my need to measure my penis for this device that I paid attention. I understand @Sibelio’s issues with my description of the improvement to my penis’s length, especially considering the two different ways of measuring, but I have been dealing for years with a penis that measured under 5" when I initially became aware of the changes (to be honest the measurement if I remember correctly came in more at 4.5", which really effected me badly), and also one whenever I looked at it erect depressed me as it seemed to taper nearer the glans and just look like some kind of carnival mirror imposter. The penis I saw earlier this week was like the welcome return of an old friend - both bigger and fuller and not freakishly shaped. I’m not sure if this is related to my decision to masturbate less, or the help of the supplements, but I haven’t tested it out since as I’m in no rush (my libido is still shit) & the decision to masturbate less appears to be working. I am just so content with the fact that it still resides there, no matter the difficulties it’s had.

Sadly re: the subcutaneous fat, this is something that hasn’t gotten any better.

Wishing you good health and happiness yourself Will.

Thanks for reading through my story Will. As you saw, my tests were done a good few years ago. I think that what happens is we get the results, the doctor says that they are fine, and then for want of reaching that dead end we just kind of muddle along without the problem being addressed. I sometimes wonder whether low testosterone is contributing to various symptoms, and whether in my case TRT could help with quality of life. I am aware of certain developments, like slower beard growth, and I am now experiencing sore hands and wrists. I have a feeling that a test now may come in lower than my previous tests, but I don’t know unless I get it checked out. I’m always reluctant to pursue anything like this as like others here, I’m kind of tagged by my G.P. as predominately a mental health patient and any request would be seen through that prism of the neurotic guy.

Hi there Sibelio,

Please see my reply to Will for context. I wasn’t looking for an exact measurement as I was measuring for either an under 5" or 5-7" vacuum pump.

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Is there any treatment for the subcutaneous fat loss from plastic surgeons or anything like that? Can fillers help to even things out? It might be the case that you have come to terms with the fat loss now and don’t want to do anything about it. All treatments come with risks not to mention it would probably have to be paid for privately as this would unlikely be covered by the NHS.

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There was a guy here who posted about getting a procedure which involved having fat implanted. Apparently it took ages for the swelling to go down and the surgeon had never seen anything like it, but I believe after that it was successful.

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Yeah it’d probably be safer to wait and see how your body responds once this condition is effectively treated and if nothing changes the future is bright and i wouldn’t have a doubt in my mind there will be ways to restore subcutaneous fat to it’s former self with a non surgical approach, especially since it effects a lot of aids suffers, it’d be a topic of interest for people to study.

Also Scotsman I’m delighted to hear about your improvement, it’s always nice to read about a long term sufferer of this condition see sudden improvements, it gives everyone else hope and shows that no matter how long you have this condition, it’s not impossible to see some sort of recovery in areas naturally. When a treatment is brought out I can’t wait to see how everyone responds. We’ll all be like new men/women.


Hi there Will. Years ago I spent hours and hours trawling the web for possible treatments. Although I’m not actively looking into anything just now, I’ve still sort of shelved them at the back of my mind. I am aware of the guy that @Greek mentioned re: fat transfer. It would be interesting to know if my fat loss is as significant as that reported by the member in question. He said that his surgeon had seen nothing like it. This appeals in that it appears a longer lasting treatment and utilises your own fat, although like all interventions there can be complications. A lot of the fat can be reabsorbed, or you can get an infection. You may also end up with fatty lumps under your skin. I think the best approach is to seek out someone skilled who takes a moderate approach, but I’d never say never. A member here and on solvepfs (@Patrik82) has reported success with Sculptra which is another option. To be honest, what upsets me more is my prematurely aged skin, although the subcutaneous fat loss has meant that through the loss of underlying support the damage can appear more evident. My cheeks fall if I tilt my head to the left or right, or look down. Another member on both this and solvepfs, mcibofh, has reported his subcutaneous fat returning whilst pursuing a treatment plan supported by the member Justquitdut. He attributes this to the peptides he was taking. I am actively considering a course of peptides, particularly as many have reported that peptides have an anti-ageing effect with regards to skin. If I am able to overcome my natural reluctance when it comes to jabbing myself, I would like to give this long enough to see if there is any discernible difference to my skin, and then I will consider my options beyond this.

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I think what you describe is a pretty common reaction most people have when they suffer something like PFS (or perhaps indeed any major medical or life issue). The first reaction is to google the hell out of it and find solutions which usually just increases frustration and anxiety. As time goes by, you sort of realise that stepping back a bit and giving yourself some distance is what is best for your (mental) health and the issue (hopefully) takes on a small proportion and doesn’t quite seems so daunting. I certainly hope I am in this stage at the moment and things will seem more manageable with time.

I think one of the nice things you have at least is there does appear to be options. You can consult doctors about the skin and fat loss. You may decide not too and I completely see your point about risks and uncertainties. Sometimes just having these possibilities though in the back of your mind (as a sort of safety net) allows you to get on with life a bit and you may decide you never want to use them and you can life a relatively good life without needing the treatment.

I actually saw a pretty good dermatologist a few years ago in Oxford who was very much up to date with lasers and things - Dr Neil Walker. Are you actually based in Scotland? If you ever felt you wanted to you could always look him up and see what his opinion on the fat loss and skin would be. I know he has a lot of success doing both fillers and laser rejuvenation.

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In the mean time, definitely check out the peptides. Just think very carefully about risk and be careful so as not to make the situation worse. I feel I am a bit paranoid now about doing anything to my body which could make all this worse!

I couldn’t agree more with your assessment - absolutely bang on - I think that it comes down to natural in-built self-preservation. You need to adapt or you will remain in the heightened anxiety mind set. I don’t think it’s a case of rolling over on your back and accepting things, but being kind to yourself by allowing that space and time to re-adjust whilst still slowly chipping away at these barriers to your longer term health and happiness, whether that be donating to the foundation, or moderating your life style, or trying a particular treatment (of course with a full awareness of any potential further risks that could cause further harm). It’s trying to traverse that path whilst dealing with the psychological impact of dealing with it.

I am in Scotland. When I first became aware of the fat loss I consulted a cosmetic surgeon privately. He only assessed my face from looking at me from across his desk so it is fair to say that I felt that he didn’t perform a proper examination. He did however recommend laser resurfacing. I am a bit wary of something so invasive, but at the same time I have considered an ablative treatment for my skin, whether that be C02 laser, or a phenol peel. This of course would carry the most amount of risk, but at my lowest point the idea of such a aggressive treatment appealed - almost wiping the slate clean or waving a magic wand to get back to a skin that didn’t wrinkle. I kind of know however that a judicious approach is much more sensible. My previous G.P.referred me to plastic surgery but unfortunately they turned me down due to it being cosmetic, despite the psychological harm it has caused. I know of others who have had treatment, including a friend who has had laser treatment for a minor scar above one of his eyebrows. I don’t know why he was approved for this. My mum also had a blepharoplasty on the NHS, but this was because of swollen eyelids which resulted in excess skin. I have thought in the past of seeing her plastic surgeon as he like most of them also does some private work.

Thanks a lot for the recommendation Will. I will look him up if I ever consider going down this road. It’s always good to get a name, especially when you’re dealing with something as important as your face.

Regarding the peptides, I may regret it if something were to go wrong, but it is something I want to try before considering any cosmetic intervention. I have been stuck for many years and I have kind of plotted out a road which involves giving this a shot.