Remeron (mirtazapine)

I wanted to mention that after experiencing with Remeron for sleep, I have mixed feelings about the stuff. I do believe it can be useful and I’ll keep it at hand for when I might need it, but it’s not something I would take every day.

I should mention that I took it for roughly a week, then stopped, and took it again 10 days later for two nights.

One of the reasons that made me stop after using it for a week is that I had to increase the dose to 15 mg after a couple of days because lower doses weren’t working anymore, and at this dose it would have been an antidepressant treatment, which is not what I wanted. By the way, I have the same problem of immediate building-up of tolerance with other sleeping pills and even with alcohol since I’ve been blessed with PFS, so it might not be the same for other people that are using Remeron.

Apart from that, and maybe more importantly, I did notice sides. After using it for five days, I masturbated while watching porn and I almost didn’t feel anything when I came, even though I had been refraining from doing it for a while, and this is not something I have problems with usually. I also noticed I was a bit indifferent to the porn I watched. Also, while taking it, there were two nights when I drank. Not that much, but enough to have some buzz from it. As for sex, it seems that Remeron was neutralizing the pleasure I usually get from it. And more generally, I would say that I did feel somehow a little indifferent to things. It can be good in some situations, but I did feel it was taking something from life. I remember Adam saying that on Remeron, his emotions were more in the middle, but that he wasn’t getting as excited about things as before. Well, that’s exactly what I felt.

PFS already did a pretty good job with giving me no excitement. I do wonder if the sleep meds make it worse. Right now I couldn’t get by without them unfortunately. This is my 3rd night on 1mg Lunesta. The first day I was super depressed. The second I felt a little better less depressed and a bit more awake. This is the 3rd night… Hopefully it keeps working for me. I’m getting about 6 hours of sleep with 1mg. I think you can dose up to 3mg.

Never tried Lunesta. Were you able to sleep with it last night?

Yes, it worked again. So far so good.

I took remeron for one year.

It worked pretty well for 3 monthd at 7.5mg. I had to do some sleep restriction though because after the first 2 weeks it started failibg on me. Id still wake up after 6hours sleep and feel like shit.

I insisted and did sleep restriction for a few days and ibstarted sleeping 8hours again, although i could feel the last 2 hours were not as good…but i felt i was recovering my body.

Back then I was unemployed and when i started working again, and changed countries, i was unable to sleep 8 hours again. I increased the dosage twice but everytime after 2 weeks my body adjusted and i could only sleep 6 hours again… Except on weekends where id sleep too much because the dosage was too high.

After around 6 months on it+clonazepam for the sleep myoclonies i was getting from mirtazapine, i noticed i started loosing sexual interest and my libido is way worse than when i started trying medicatipns for insomnia.
Also my sleep pattern changed and i cant oversleep on weekends anymore so cant recover sleep.

Amytriptyline started my sleep myoclonies and mirtazapine continued them. My libido has improved but my erections are not the same as before, i still have sleep myoclonies, and I dont have ejaculations in my sleep like i used to.

I think there is a dopaminergic problem that i either had predisposition to, or finasteride made it worse!

Anyway i try not to touch mirtazapine anymore!!Neither clonazepam!!

Have you tried water fasting? I wonder if it can undo that kind of damage from drugs. I’m using clonazepam maybe twice a week. Hope it won’t give me problems in the long run. To say the truth, things kind of worsen in the last couple of months regarding libido and mood.

Ive been experimenting alot with sleep pills over the last year. Time and time again, I get back on remeron. I find it causes weight gain, but it also makes me bigger and stronger all over. I get compliments from people asking me if ive been working out. I do workout alot, but remeron boosts my muscle size big time. Its so weird. Wish it didnt cause belly fat though.

Scaredoutofmymind, really, just do intermittent fasting and it won’t be a problem. You just adjust the eating window to what you want to look like. With a 4-hour eating window, you might look too thin. Maybe a 6 to 8-hour eating window will do. My friend was telling me that her boyfriend’s beer belly was getting bigger and bigger. I told her about intermittent fasting and after a couple of weeks, getting all slim again went to his head and he began cheating on her. And she had tried all kinds of diets before and it never worked. Believe me, it’s really something easy to fix.

Thats interesting

Anyone else want to share their experiences with mirtazapine for middle insomnia in 2019?

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It completely alleviated the terrible insomnia that pfs had caused. Also improved my appetite. I take 15 mg per day before bed.


Then don’t take it every day. Alternate with something else natural. If you miss a nights sleep you’ll be more tired for the next night. It might be difficult but it will get you through things and may do less damage for the long run which should be your goal.

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