I have got several questions that came to my mind, answers some of you would be welcomed…
PFS Cure X Treatment - how much more realistic is finding a treatment for PFS rather than a cure? I know, for both, a necessary prerequisite is to know, what is PFS and what is wrong with us. But let´s assume once we know, how how much more like is finding at least some treatment rather than a cure?
What would be the best, yet still realistic thing, that could REALISTICALLY happen in the near future (few months - few years), that would mean a huge step in our effort in finding what PFS is… (So we have something tangible to cheer/hope for (except part 2 of Baylor study).
How much Covid and the current situation regarding pandemic is holding back our efforts in terms of getting funding, moving forward with research, getting attention from research biochemisty facilities?
Which, at first sight, small things, could make a big difference for us and what could that difference be? E.g.1) If we suddenly had 700 filled up surveys, would that make any significant difference? E.g. 2) If we managed to raise every year 50.000 dollars, could that change something?
Thank you for any, at least a little thought-out, answers.
I think, that it is just sad and hard to understand, that the most attention on this forum is on fake, dubious recovery stories.