PURPOSE of Baylor study...

Mark is right, keep pursuing them. If you don’t get a response then message Awor.

This study needs filling out big time.

I’m very disappointed in Baylor’s seeming lack of commitment. I was game out when they told me they would charge full fees to my insurance, just the same as if I were a patient and not part of a study. This is supposed to be an investigational study, almost all of which are funded and/or the organization conducting willingly donates some of their time and expertise.

If for no other reason, they should not DARE ask to charge someone’s insurance, to protect privacy!!! What are they thinking!? They should at least have the decency to inform potential participants they should carefully consider ramifications the study might have on a pending litigation, since they aren’t willing to protect the participants privacy!

Any doctor/hospital will accept paying participants that someone offers to send them. Can you imagine "hey, I propose to send you 25 customers that are all required to undergo $4000 in services each…are you interested? "

How did harvard get funding and Baylor didn’t??

Hi, please see my signature.

This is an interesting comment. I was reading an article somewhere that was making a connection between liver spots and MS. Not sure if melasma is related to liver spots. I think I noticed a melasma-looking spot on my forehead today actually. Didn’t think anything of it until I read this comment.