Prostitits from stopping propecia???


I haven’t been back here for an update in a long long time, but thought I would. My prostatis symptoms seem to have disappeared for the most part. I had a flare up back in December, but I’ve been mostly symptom free for a(about 6-8 months. I’ve cut way back on foods that are spicy, acidic, or have caffeine, this has helped a lot. I get an occassional feeling of pressure still, and maybe even a decreased urine flow, but nothing that worries me too much. I really don’t think about it anymore.

I’m still not sure if finasteride had anything to do with this, or was maybe just masking the symptoms of prostatitis.

Ironically, I’m still depressed over my hairloss, and have considered going back on propecia. I’m not sure what’s worse, worrying about my hairloss, or worrying about potential finasteride sides while taking it.
Minoxidil worries me as well, as I’ve read about users who claim it has damaged their facial skin.

I’ll admit I’m somewhat skepticle about this website. Only 1000 registered users. Seems like a very small number considering the millions of men around who have used finasteride. And like I said, while my prostatitits has been a major pain in the ass, I’m not convinced that finasteride caused it. I’m just really sick of the entire hairloss experience, I feel like it dominates my life.

If only 2% of men get side effects, as Merck claims, and out of those even less experience permanent dysfunction after stopping Finasteride… coupled with the fact not everyone experiencing such issues has either a) found this website or b) registered, I don’t see why you are “skeptical”.

Are you also skeptical of all the scientific evidence contained in the Finasteride Studies section too? If so, I don’t know what else to tell you other than hairloss sites may be your best bet, if you are considering taking the drug again despite everything you may have read here.

I’d gladly go bald overnight if I could regain my sexual, mental and physical health. Considering you only had prostatitis symptoms, you should count your lucky stars… honestly, if you experienced the sexual, mental and physical changes others here have post-Fin, I doubt you’d ever consider touching Finasteride again.

Hairgrass, don’t be a fool. Of course Fin caused your prostatitis, and don’t let your depression get you to make stupid decisions you will surely regret later. You must be having brain fog still. There are dozens of people on this site aving prostate symptoms and prostatitis directly caused by fin. Don’t let the doctors brainwash you! They are selling this product. I took Fin for 3 weeks only, and it fucked up my prostate. Its taken a long time on a road to recovery but I’m sure my prostate will never be the same.

Mew, I’m skeptical because I have an open mind about this, I’m not ready to commit to one side or the other. But to answer your questions…

-Yes I still think 1000 users is barely a splash in the bucket, an almost immeasurable percentage considering the amount of users. I do think its POSSIBLE that a lot of the problems these people have, including myself, would have happened anyway. I’m not saying it is, just saying its POSSIBLE. Mew, If you had to take a honest guess, what percentage of registered users on this site do you think are unrelated to finast?

-I haven’t read all the scientific data in the finasteride section. I plan on taking a Saturday very soon and just reading everything I can find on it before considering propecia again. I’m also trying to learn more about Minox, as it seems there are some unfavorable sides there too.

-I did experience many sexual side effects while on the drug, they all went away. So no, I can’t imagine having to deal with that after quitting the drug. And I don’t blame you and others here for being angry, I would want someone to blame as well if I was going through that.

-By the way, my prostatis journey has been no picnic either. Trust me, multiple trips to the urologist to be prodded and probed, multiple scripts of cipro and other crap, and the constant worry of ‘will this ever go away’ has been an emotional roller coaster, and I"m still not 100% over it, I may never be.

I understand you being defensive when someone comes in here and expresses some doubt. But I didn’t come here to argue or to discredit anyone, I’m just trying to keep an open mind, learn everything I can, so I can make the best decision for me on how to proceed.

Hey Boston, nice to see you again too. Anyway, no, I’m not a fool, I’m a college educated 35-year old who is trying to be open minded about this.

All I’m saying is that I’m not convinced that propecia CAUSED my prostatitis. Why is it such a leap to reason that maybe the propecia (which shrinks the prostate) was masking the prostatitis I already had? Did you know that some doctors actually prescribe finasteride to prostatits suffers to alleviate symptoms? I think its POSSIBLE that once I stopped the propecia, and the prostate begin to return to its normal size, that my prostatis symptoms revealed themselves. That’s all I’m saying…not saying its true, just saying its a POSSIBILITY.

Now why would I consider going back on propecia? Chances are I won’t, but like I said earlier, I’m not sure what’s worse…the fear and insecurity of going bald, or the fear of the chance that I could have long term sexual sides. It’s not something I’m taking lightly, AT ALL, trust me.

By the way, how is your situation? any improvement?

Mate I would happily look like Patrick Stewart tomorrow for an 80% recovery, it’s not until this hits you that you realise how insignificant hair loss is anyway. Go to the gym, get a tan, expand your personality, girls hardly care about it. I had good looks but low self esteem and a stupid insecurity about a receding hair line cos I liked my mop, it matters not one jot. Just wish I’d never chanced upon the bloody message boards and online shops which promote this poisonous crap.

If you go on again having already encountered problems then I guarantee you’re on a fast track to hell…

Hairgrass, for the sake of your health DO NOT TAKE FINASTERIDE
or other anti DHT drugs. Do not mess with your body hormones.