Prostate biopsy?

Good. I this is what should have been asked 12 years back. Yes this biopsy will give pin pointed answers.

What’s a bisubstrate analog inhibitor, btw? An abstract to a study, said that the complex is an extremely potent bisubstrate analog inhibitor.

This is from a Merck patent filed in 1997, labeled Irreversible inhibition of human 5α-reductase

So it’s not a traditional suicide inhibitor, but it destroys the enzymes. It’s mentioned that the DHT level returns to baseline value within 2 weeks, which suggest that reductase enzymes should be produced at a constant rate, but what if this doesn’t happen in our case?

People are supposed to recover within 2 weeks after stopping the treatment with Propecia.
Slow metabolism (synthesis of new reductase enzymes) may explain why some people recover months or years later without a proper explanation.

If this is the case, I imagine that a prostate biopsy would reveal a ratio between functional and defect 5AR Type 2 enzymes. It would probably be different in every member in here. The ratio would tell us how badly affected each one of us are, and a series of biopsies, would give an estimation of how long it takes to recover in each case. Treatments to speed up the recovery process can be investigated, if this turns out to be the root cause.

This is all very interesting and definitely worth a shot, however the damage that could result from a biopsy would need to be looked at before someone is willing to be put under the knife. I wouldn’t even feel right in asking the worst sufferers to do so.

However, there are users on here that do not have DHT levels that are below or above range. This would imply that their 5 alpha reductase enzymes have been replaced and are functioning correctly, would it not? I think the sexual side effects are all centered around the prostate so maybe in doing the biopsy it would be worthwhile testing for pathogens and anti-bodies deep within the tissue…that’s where I think the real value will come from this…would be able to give a definitive answer to whether this is related to prostatic inflammation.

Just my 2 c…

I just hope one day there will be an answer to this god awful syndrome!

They’re using a device with a tiny needle to collect samples. I don’t think it’ll cause any problems.

No one, or at least only a few people knows what their baseline DHT level is. It’ll most likely be within the “normal range”, but it can still be a lot lower than it should in your case. Keep in mind that 5AR Type 1 is responsible for around 30% of the DHT level.

I had my DHT levels before and after. Now they are totaly like before… and the more they went up, the worse I feel. Anyway, the only thing that counts is the reaction on the cell and the DNA.

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Does this have a prostitis angle to it?


I think it could be useful in providing a lot of answers, in terms of enzyme activity and prostatitis etiology…

This really could provide the answer but if everything is given the OK then we are back to square one! I would suggest more than one biopsy is required to give any definitive answers.

So, who would volunteer to be a test subject? I’m currently testing another hypothesis with drug treatment, but I will do a prostate biopsy as a last resort. I’m mainly interested in the 5AR Type 2 enzymes, because I know that I have a problem with DHT deficiency. We could test for everything that comes to mind, but it may require a lot more subjects…

I believe that the prostate holds some answers to PFS.

Keep in mind that the intracellular level of DHT may be too low, despite the fact that serum DHT level is within the normal range. DHT is a paracrine hormone…

Dihydrotestosterone is a peripheral paracrine hormone.

Most people here have low 3a-diol-g…

This wouldn’t explain low T levels though, would it?

I think this is interesting and so long as its safe< I am ready to volunteer. My DHT serum levels are at top of the limit but under it - 3400 on a scale of 700 - 3404 …Is there a way to check 3 G diol in Canada?


Yes it would. DHT is an important estrogen antagonist. Estrogen has a strong, negative effect on the HPTA. The DHT- and estradiol level raises along with the testosterone level. If you have a lot of defect 5AR Type 2 enzymes, DHT won’t be able to keep up, and when estradiol activity increases too much in relation to DHT activity, it’ll exert negative feedback and cut the testosterone production before it should. I guess that people who developed secondary hypogonadism have more defect enzymes than those who didn’t. However, DHT deficiency will still cause symptoms of hypogonadism; 1) because it’s a powerful androgen. 2) it’s an important estrogen antagonist. 3) it affects the free testosterone level.

We have to stop looking at the serum DHT level, because it won’t tell us anything about intracellular activity - which probably is the issue here. 3a-diol-g is a good marker if I remember correctly, and most people here have a low level due to DHT deficiency. I’ve just done an experiment which proved that there isn’t a problem with the DHT = 3a-DIOL conversion.

Good! A blood test of androstanediol glucuronide is used to diagnose hirsutism, and it should be available in any clinic.

This seems like and old thread, but has anyone as of yet preformed a prostate biopsy? Do we know of any tests of this, even on mice, before I ask my doctor to refer me for this test?

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This is an amazing read:

Detailed breakdown on how finasteride works from the horses mouth.
So is it safe to say that our 5a enzyme has been permanently altered by the drug? We did not snap back to normal after 2 weeks. There must be a way to reverse this.

From reading that information i can’t help but assume a prostate biopsy Could be a valuable way to determine the mechanism behind persistent / permanent side effects of Finastetide.
I also have my own theories too that the problem is to do with the auto immune system.
I’ve come across a few people that have persistent side effects and have auto immune system issues which can be determined by genetic markers via blood tests.
The reality is the whole problem is far to complex for the average Joe to solve.
The human is so complex its is still baffling scientists today.
It’s a strange World really we can create so many cures for disease that by cureing one disease we sometimes create another.
One of the biggest problems finasteride sufferers face is that the side effects tend to have sexual impacts on people which alot of guys struggle discussing at the best of times now add the fact that alot of guys cycle steroids or drink heavily smoke heavily or smoke take snort or inject one of a number of recreational drugs that Could lead to sexual problems it easy to dismiss this innocent pill for physical or even psychological issues.
One day all will known .

Thank you. Would you know what blood tests would identify the genetic markers would identify the auto immune issues?

Hi bud
The only genetic marker i know of is HL3 B27
Which I know of due to having Ankylosing spondylitis and colitis but i would imagine thats there is other markers but without googling im not sure if them.
Have e look at the link below mate.
I too would be willing to get a prostate biopsy done .

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