Progress update

At the eight month mark, here are the symptoms I still have: muscle twitching and aches (varies per day), itchy skin (varies per day), skin redness which looks like allergies, loose, fatty stools (but gaining weight), dark circles under my eyes, hard time sleeping from time to time, lack of sexual interest, lack of sweating in certain areas but a lot of sweating in others, occasional heart rate increase (feels like adrenaline will kick in for no reason), allergic type reaction to bug bites (new symptom). In addition my CBC is normal but my MPV and hemoglobin numbers are both out of range which is not the norm.

Things that have improved: slight increase in libido in the early morning (still low throughout the day). Muscles don’t ache as much as in the first months or so. I also don’t feel as depressed throughout the day as I did in the beginning. My vitamin D has improved but it’s also summer time.

Overall, it’s still been a tough eight months considering I was on Propecia for eight years. Will update next month.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Struggling with PFS (8 years taking propecia)