Definitely Minoxidil + Finasteride its a synergistic bomb for hormones
I invite you to consult my thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11749
Here one of these cases with only 14 days of Rogaine … &PerPage=1
Question is: Can the psf crash be induced by Rogaine use after quit Finasteride?
Rating: 1 (extremely dissatisfied)
Date Added: 9/2/2016 Sex: M Age: 21
Reason: hairloss
Side Effects: loss of libido, weak erections, no morning erections, no nocturnal erections, orgasms don’t feel enjoyable, testicular pain, penis pain, flacid penis shrunk, depression, emotional numbness, brain fog, heart palpatations, insomnia, very bad dandruff, watery semen, less volume in semen, constipation, muscle spasms, water retention
Comments: i used this stuff for only 2 weeks and i have lost my libido, have erectile disfunction, no morning wood , i feel like an emotionless zombie. this stuff has made my life a living hell and i feel so numb and depressed. i was always a healthy young boy full of energy and life, with a sky high libido, now i feel like an 80 year old zombie, i pray that this isn’t forever. it has been 13 weeks later and i still feel the same. i don’t want to continue living like this, if anyone has become recovered, please email me, i am beyond desperate
Duration: 14 days Dosage: 2X D