PFS mentioned on Huberman Lab podcast

There seem to be some golden nuggets in this podcasts which could potentially be of use to us. Saw palmetto and PFS mentioned at around 50 min in.

At 2:01:30 in, he starts talking about using HCG to treat PFS


Nice find. This video has over 40k views already.

Some discussion of curcumin as a 5-ari and related symptoms segues into the topic of PFS.

Also nice that they flat-out say “PFS is real.”

lots of research published about if post-finasteride post-finasteride syndrome is real or fake and it is real
but it’s one of those things that’s a combination of organic and inorganic disease almost kind of like fibromyalgia

Not quite sure of the allusion here. Both PFS and fibromyalgia have molecular-level research indicating they are organic conditions. So, what exactly is meant by “inorganic?”

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It means he doesn’t know anything about PFS. 51:40 is where he talks about it and it’s gibberish.


So true. Honestly my hope for the world just sinks in my shoes when I see these “certified and educated” people talk so much nonsense in public and for what? Clickbait for bodybuilders or other insecure men? Making a few passive income dollars by making wild claims based on credentials fallacy?

Is it a good thing they are acknowledging the existence of PFS? Yes.

Is it a good thing they are just theorizing on their own accord based on their educational expertise what may be causing it or what risk factors are, without looking at actual data? No, not at all. They didn’t even mention Baylor.

These people are so obsessed with prestige that they couldn’t care less about factchecking before jumping on a public platform and act as if they know everything about what’s going on without ever talking to anyone who did a little bit more investigation.

I mean, what on earth is that doctor thinking? It’s like he read a couple of theorizing posts on this forum or some bodybuilding forum or whatever and then assumed some rando had hit the nail on the head or something when there’s simply no data supporting his assumptions.

Testosterone and estrogen imbalance is a risk factor? Really now? I’m pretty sure that is not a common denominator in the pre-bloodwork reports we’ve seen.

There’s probably a lot of people who will see this video and feel empowered to try to fiddle around with their testosterone and estrogen levels and then start finasteride because they think they’ll be smart and safe but they won’t be. All so these two attention wh*res can make a quick buck because they have too much pride to say “I don’t know, there’s not enough data to support these claims.”

It’s irresponsible and sad.


Glad somebody was paying better attention. :slight_smile:

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He mentioned Tadalafil as an option, I can confirm that Cialis does work however the issue is from what ive heard the body builds a tolerance to it after extended use

Work for what exactly? For me it just made things worse.

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For maintaining blood flow into the penis. Lack of blood flow will 100% cause atrophy and further degrade the penile tissue.

I did not use Cialis for the first 3 months of PFS and i absolutely regret it. Now I use it every 3 days and its been a life-saver. I get the normal amount of erections I did Pre-Fin.

Of course, this is only band-aid for now but its a MAJOR life saving band aid. I can say that I am 80-90% recovered while on cialis.