Penile and testicular pain

Does anyone else suffer penile and testicular pain? The pain I experience feels like tightness around the testicles and a burning, prickly sensation in the penis.

I’m desperate to get a resolution to this so please reply if you relate or have any suggestions. It seems a rare problem.

from time to time i get penile pains, which manifest in two different forms:

  1. short and intense stinging in the tip of the penis going into the urethra
  2. pain which feels like tissure under compression at the side of the penis

i have no idea what to do about it, but it hurts quite a lot. but doesnt happen too often

Depressedguy mentioned something similar and it sounds like mine. Maybe it’s more common than I thought. Do you get the testicular tension too? How about your brother?

no my testicles are fine. Im not sure if my brother has it too.

That’s what sucks about this. We all have serious issues and there are no solutions at this point. If you want to be proactive go to Baylor study. At this point the study’s are the only thing we got going.

Yeah I think all regular users of the site are aware of the studies and there’s threads for that topic. I’m interested in some relief from pain so would be good to talk about that here.

Update: I’ve defeated my pain. Turns out it was chronic pelvic pain syndrome, not pfs (although maybe pfs triggered it). If anyone else suffers from this problem I thoroughly recommend the book A Headache in the Pelvis by David Thomas Wise.

Thanks for sharing the recommendation, I have just ordered a copy.