Old members that disappear

@TFD I’m not seeing a fight, I’m seeing a discussion.

Just to add my two cents:

Nobody is trying to discredit the idea that vitamins are good for you. You’re basically interpreting things way too literally. Obviously yes, eat your fruits and veggies. Honestly, how is proper vitamin intake even sound PFS-patient advice? That’s just common sense. Regarding any other supplements or remedies: Some therapeutic efforts can indeed be beneficial. Nobody is disputing that. We are free to try things and share experiences. The problem is getting a good view of which are beneficial versus which are potentially harmful can be a hard thing to figure out because this forum is a huge pile of anecdotal threads from people sometimes having completely opposite experiences.

The point was never to discredit patient experiences. The problem is that a large portion of forum users are focused purely on self-experimentation based on individual anecdotal reports while not contributing to more constructive collaborative efforts that create a better overview of the condition, its patients, and the homebrew treatment methods.

These are all things you can do without being hampered in any way to pursue any homebrew therapeutic effort of any kind that you were already doing.

The ‘upper echelon’ here is perfectly aware that people are going to self experiment anyway given how awful the condition is and there are very few other valid routes to go… so they actually provided a Survey #2 which actually allows you to comprehensively and constructively input your experience with homebrew therapeutic attempts of whatever sort, in order to structurize and create a better overview of which supplements or therapeutic efforts are the most promising.

< yelling > but nobody is doing that! < /yelling >

So what happens over and over again is that people do something and they make a new thread telling about their experience. Which gets lost in a sea of other similar threads which is a mess of anecdotal reports strewn across the internet which is hard to navigate and does not amount to a larger collection of data, which if we had, would go a long way in separating nonsense from effective pursuits. All it takes is a tiny extra time investment, and if people would spend a small portion of the time writing elaborate forum posts, we would have had much better data by now. It would rule out a lot of nonsense and perhaps even make it possible to create a list of first-line therapeutical things to try.

So while people like yourselves constantly find excuses to dodge responsibility, constantly kick against the shins of those people who took up the impossible task of managing this community as fairly as possible, constantly refuse to add valuable data points (Everyone’s experience is different, everyone’s data points skew the data, but that’s okay, that’s the point) and constantly feel attacked when somebody points out that there is potentially self-destructive and non-constructive efforts going on… there are actually ways to do all the self experimentation you want and still make valuable contributions to the larger whole. It’s not 0 or 1


Will the survey add anything to my point?

I’ll complete the survey. But not today.

It will give ur data to the “Real Scientists”. It’s kind of a disrespect to the guys who made the survey when people here don’t take it even after a month of joining and keeps supporting claims about fad diets and supplements.

If someone gets cured by taking vitamins that means he had hypovitaminosis, not pfs, same way if someone feels 100% cured on trt that means he had hypogonadism, not pfs. Feeling better on trt is fine, but feeling like ur old self is hypogonadism. U people are making us seem like a bunch of hypochondriacs infront of others.

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I’m obivously being misunderstood here.

I have nothing but respect for people who built the forum and invest their time to keep it going, day in and day out. I can’t get how me taking the survey will make my point any more true, but I have no interest in investigating further.

Once again, the best bet we have is research. But as ny other bet, it could turn out to be a losing one. We could end up not knowing what PFS is, or maybe we could but with no cure, and plenty of other possibilities.

And of cours the more research is done the sooner this shit will be taken off the market, and at that point the number of PFS patients will drop every year, possibily bringing the already low scientific interest in this condition to an even lower point.

All I’m saying, is that since we have reports of people reporting benefit from supplements, we shouldn’t feel entitled to say that supplementing is a magic beans approach.

If someone comes wondering wether a certain substance can be benefcial for them, we should tell the truth: that there is no way to know, and that while the majority of people didn’t report any change, some of us got considerably better or worse.

It’s not that difficult. And I don’t see how anyone could mistake this statemetn for “take supplements, you’ll be cured”.


guys I don’t want spend an entire day talking about supplements and vitamins.

I made my point. Wether you agree or not, I’m fine anyway.

You doing the survey is research. If you believe research is crucial, then the survey is crucial.


It has been nonsense, outright lies and pure fantasy or delusion at various points. The whole culture of self experimentation has held the community back. Nobody is going to say that if you sleep a little more easily with a harmless supplement is a big problem. But it is not a cure and really we should be, long term, aiming for that.

People resisting taking the survey holds us back. The consultations we’ve had with scientists have praised the data we’re generating and gives us proof of the shared experience we have had in a way that scientists can accept and deal with.

While there are some substances which people benefit from the use of therapeutically, a lifeime of dependence and continued vulnerability to future exposure to 5ar inhibitors is not a cure. So when I say that supplements aren’t a cure, and you reply

You’re dead wrong. Ask Merry Christmas if, even with his supplement if he thinks he’s cured.

Do you understand that some people in here might not even have a long term?

That some of us could not be interested in waiting n number of years while dealing with this condition?

Yes, everyone wants a cure.

But I’ll tell you something, if I could find some symptomatic relief while “the cure” is being found, that’d be a big freaking improvement.

So if you have a reason to discredit the stories of people reporting benefit, please do it and do it now so we put the word end to this dibate.

If you don’t please just give me a break.

There is a clear mismatch between the arrogance you play some stories down and our understanding of this condition.

Are you freaking kidding me?

I literally wrote:

How would you read “marginally esened condition to deal with” and undestand “cure”?

And what about people who got destroyed by the supplements, vitamins and drugs? There are hundreds of people here who got destroyed by supps, many of them committed suicides, these are the ones we should care about. The chances of getting worse via experimenting are very high, has shown very bad endings.

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Shame on me for not mentioning potential adverse rections.