I can relate. I also feel betrayed by my wife and friends. Even after sharing proof and scientific data I would expect others would believe me and have some compassion. I suppose it’s the ‘unknown’ that scares people and when they can’t relate it’s not exactly fun for them to hang around someone in this condition. Had I known this would take years to recover, and have an impact on my family, I would have been better off temporarily moving out until I got better. This would have saved my family a lot of grief and suffering as they watch me struggle. But I have complete confidence that our day of JUSTICE will come, and all the naysayers will know we were telling the truth.
Shortly after the divorce, I thought it would help to be around other girls, but I just can’t bring myself to date anyone or try to make new friends yet. I’m recovering, but not well enough to feel like my self again. I can’t wait to see the bellweather cases being tried this year, and the results of the studies. By the way, if you want to see a boost in improvements, try fasting and sleeping in late for many days in a row. I’ve noticed a big improvement lately in how I feel and think. And for the first time in my recovery I was able to have a rock solid erection of the same size as I was before. So that gave me a lot of hope today. Send me a PM if you want to know what I’m doing to recover. I’m following CDNuts, Droit, Finatruth posts as a guide.
i know exactly what your condition is like, i suffered from this too. its called “derealisation”. I didnt get it from finasterid… i had it before taking finasterid after a period of elevated stress. i had derealisation for about half a year because of stress (again not finasterid)… and i have recovered. dont worry about your mental state and the strange perception you have… I know exacly what you mean when you seay you have weird thoughts about reality… questioning everything around you and thinking about everything in a strang unfamiliar way… as if you are a stranger to the world and everything is unfamiliar… i think trying to fix your sleep will help