Next steps to try slow things down

Ry this suffering is beyond. Chat to you tomorrow x


Due to all the bone pain I was pressing the flat point where the tissue has decayed on the palm of my hands to try to find the exact source of pain. By pressing "not that I have any strength I dislocated the MCP joint then pushed it back with a resulting crunch. I found that i could do it repeatedly. WTF has this disease done. My fucking skeletal system is falling apart. My feet are the same elbows, knees and shoulders are in even more pain. Another night of extreme pain with no sleep at all.


Will they not even give you some pain killers and something to knock you out?

Nah they offered up nothing.
I’m very sensitive to medication. I tried gabba pentin, sleeping pills, and a few other things 3 years ago when I was trying to hang onto my career but they all caused huge fallout. Even mild stuff such as aspirin and paracetamol. I was hoping for an AI drug which is a risk but considering where I am. The collagen is breaking down everywhere and my stores are so low which I think is why things are so bad. I’m having difficulty even dressing myself. What a quandary. Thanks for your input though @Greek :heart:


Sorry mate, wish I had something more helpful to offer.

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Making a comment means a lot mate

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@LazarusRy As my own condition has deteriorated this past year, I’ve read the forum always hoping for answers. I think I’ve got it bad, then I read a post from a true sufferer such as yourself. I’m reminded:

I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.

I don’t know how you get through this ordeal. You must truly have a fighting spirit. Your inner strength and perseverance is an inspiration to us all. I pray for your endurance.

As with Job, may God stop the trials of your suffering, and restore you to good health. Please keep fighting. Jim


Thank you @JimWildman beautiful words


I think I’ve entered a new phase, muscles have all but stopped functioning, like jelly constantly. I haven’t passed a stool for a number of weeks despite eating fibre foods I can tolerate, or maybe not. The worst is the bone pain I am in an extreme state, every bone head is very painful even to the lightest of touches I think I passed out in bed last night from the level of pain. I can’t close either hand, I can’t even rub cream into the dry skin or get dressed this morning. Severe eye pain, my jaw, neck and face is aching from tissue shrinkage the tinnitus is screaming from brain inflammation. Then there are all of the other symptoms. This is the worst I’ve been!! I’m in a revolving door with the doctors. To be left like this because of a cosmetic drug is unforgiveable

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Ryan this is beyond what any human should have to endure x

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Thinking of you mate :heart:

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