New UK member, hoping I will get better

Any updates? I took a 1mg pill 10 days ago and am pretty impotent. As soon as I woke up the next day… pretty devastated. I can get hard buy touching it a bit and can orgasm to port (just about) but its the lack of sex drive behind it and lack of lust in anything is so depressing. Hoping for some good news mate

I think you’re gonna be fine mate. It’s pretty normal for people to get some side effects initially. For the vast majority of people, these will wear off after stopping the drug. It can take a while though, give it a month or two. Best thing to do is try to relax and don’t read too much on here, there are loads of scare stories. With just one pill you have an great chance of a full recover. Don’t do anything else to try to correct it (other meds, etc). Just have a natural recovery and look after yourself - good food, exercise, etc. Best of luck pal.


Any update? Curious because our symptoms seem similar. At this point if I can just rely on viagra, so be it even with the potential harmful side effects. I’d have to be grateful since some don’t even get that. Hope your nerve issues have subsided atleast.

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted an updated. There has been improvements since my last post in December 2018 but there is also still what I think is now permanent damaged caused by the finasteride. I can get erections and just about have a sex life but my erection quality is not great. I can’t take viagra or cialis due to a ear issue and do not want to risk sudden hearing loss which is a rare side effect of these meds. I think my life would be a lot better if I could take these medicines and my sex life would probably feel much more normal. I think the smooth muscle of the penis has been damaged and I hope for better treatments in the future (shock wave, prp, stem cell). It’s probably too early to do these yet and I will wait for better scientific evidence and for them to become main stream.

I still have tingling in my feet and legs after the cipro but all nerve testing came back fine. The pain in my penis has largely gone as well although can come back after sex.

So there is positive there but also I have long lasting damage as well. It upsets me still most days to be honest and I still think about it a lot, I never really got over it. But I think I had a very bad case really and I am sure most people will have more mild to moderate cases and can improve much more than me over time. All my urologists advices to be long term low dose cialis to rehabilitate the penis and I think if you tolerate that fine you should do the that. I might have been fine or even cured if I had done that. So worth considering.

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I feel your pain brother. Sorry to make you relive that part of your life but it gives us hope that you were able to gain atleast some function back. There’s no way I can have sex without meds. I know it’s probably not easy for you either without them but it still gives me hope that you can perform somewhat. Thanks for the advice about Cialis and its benefits/risks. Really appreciate you even responding. You’re a bigger man than most. Lots of love brother and I hope you continue to find more happiness and peace.

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You will definitely continue to improve over a year or two I think. Stay on the viagra or cialis if you can. I think you will get to a point you are fine and can have a good sex life. It is really slow though the progress. Improvement over months. It was only when I read back how bad I was I saw I have improved. For example, I said previously how hard to was to get an erection started, even after 4.5 months of the drug. I think this is easier now with manual stimulation so you do keep improving. See a good urologist if you can and I’m sure you will be alright as time goes by


how is your ankylosing spondylitis now?
what are you taking for your nkylosing spondylitis? Is it also helping against PFS?

Hey buddy,

Thanks for the message. My ankylosing spondylitis has always been pretty mild to moderate. Had it for decades now. I don’t think there is any link between my pfs and the ank spond to be honest. That may be different for other people though, pfs seems to affect us all differently. No meds for the ank spond, I just try to live and get on with it. How are you doing?
