New sufferer of PFS, don't know what to do next

It’s my pleasure. To be honest, it’s pretty hard to find sympathy for our condition outside of this small circle. Most doctors think our ED is just some form of self-fulling dysfunction induced by performance anxiety.

I think my spontaneous erection returned, albeit not to the full extent, during the brief period of time when I was on 5mg of Cialis daily. It did made my penis much more responsive to stimulus, either mental or physical. My sexual attributes were close to being back to normal while I was on 5mg daily. I would be extremely satisfied if I could achieve and maintain that without medication.

Eventually, after 2~3 weeks, I decided against continuing on a regular daily dosage, precisely because I was afraid of potential side effects. It was the side effects of another drug that brought me to this living hell. I would be damned to let a new drug wreak more havoc on my life. That’s why I mainly take Cialis on demand nowadays. During the really bad days, I would go on 2mg every other day until I feel my condition has stablelised.

Have you tried Cialis or Viagra before? Would love to know if you have had any luck with these drugs?

No worries. I wouldn’t say I have recovered though. True, insomnia is by and large no longer an issue for me and my skin is no longer dry like it was during the onset of PFS. But I still have low libido and ED, just like you do.

I don’t really have much faith in doctors and supplements so I have just been trying my best to live a healthy lifestyle over the past year - cutting down on sugar, carb and fat; sticking with exercises two times a week, etc. I really don’t know if it will happen, but I still hold out hope for a full recovery.

One thing I noticed is that people who have recovered don’t usually get there gradually. It just suddenly happens one morning when they wake up, do you think that’s true?

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So you have similar symptoms as ours, but the culprit is accutane and not propecia? As far as I know, accutane is just concentrated vitamin A. Does it screw with your hormonal and endocrine system like propecia does?

I thought about taking accutane when I was a teenager but my parents talked me out of it.


Yep, all symptoms you’ve mentioned, it’s hypothesized that they work very similarly and I’m assuming when the treatment eventually comes it will work for both

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