Neurological damage

I already posted on this forum regarding my heart palpitations (they got worse). I normally would keep hope high but i cant take it anymore. I crashed about a month after 6 monts of fin and here. Are my symptoms: Panic attacks, insomnia, heart palpitations (no increased heart rate but aware of heart in any resting positions like sitting, laying and even standing, muscle twitching and brain spams. Libido sometimes 0 often high. I can no longer sit ore do anything relaxing anymore. It like my body wants me to move 24 hours per day. Only with exercising and working where I move around a lot I can get an escape from the horror. It seems like my gaba is completely fucked. I took some benzos 2 weeks after the crash and helped me sleeping better. from 1 hour of sleep or often 0 to 3.5 hours. However i crashed from that as well after 2 weeks. My condition just gets worse. I would like some tips on diet and supplements i can take that help the Gaba to slowly restore a bit if its possible. I think if nothing improves in 6 months i will just end my life. Now every minute of the day is torture. I already stopped taking benzos. But get like 0 to 1 per hour of sleep per day.

For sleep you can try mirtazapine or trazodone but i know some users that got pssd from them.
Seroquel and risperidone also would put you to sleep but they will block your emotions.

Thanks for the repley! I already tried seroquel and felt horrible after it. Did give me 4 to 5 hours of sleep. But i want to know how to stop the horrible heart palpitations while sitting and standing. If that gets resolved i can live with this for a while. Its like my brain and heart are beating with each other. Its not a faster beating hard or cardiological issue. My gaba cant inhibit anything and because my heart has to beat otherwise I die, my gaba is not inhibiting the sensation from the heart beat anymore exept when i am moving around alot. But i cant just move around all the time.

Have you tried this from Pete’s recommendations?

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I tried the magnesium for a week and it only made me pee 8 times a day. Maybe i will try it again in a lower dose. I think i will see a heart consultant after my visit to the endocrinologist.

You might want to find out the dosages and brand that Pete used

low dose betablocker, preferably a selective betablocker, so it will have less side effects than a nonselective betablocker. Works well for palpitations, and helps you calm down.

Hey! I’m 1 year after finasteride and i went through the same thing as you. Panic attack, Unreasonable Fear for everything, extreme ansiety, depression, and stupid thoughts about give up. These symptoms lasted for 4/5 months i guess on me. It’s been 10 months since I stopped taking FINASTERIDE and i’m soooooo much better than the so called CRASH. I still have a little bit of ansiety, and sometimes some bad feeling come up from nowhere, but it all goes away one hour or another.

Things that help me a lot: Omega 3, exercising 4/5 days per week, Polivitaminic (and eating vegetables sometimes even though i hate). To sleep melatonine helps me. And positive thought that all of this WILL PASS. Trust me, it’ll.