Need help with Numbness

Finatruth you clearly don’t have Pfs like some of us. Relaxing is not an option. I’m 4 years in and things just get worse regardless how positive I am.

If you are the way you say - why don’t you live your amazing life. I envy you

Thetigershell u gotta hang in there and hope for a cure but realistically this won’t come naturally or even over years of waiting. I have wrote off a sex life 3 years ago. I’m miserable but u get by. You can to

I’d also mention that relatively high rep ( which means difficult, not easy ) helps me. It’s not a miracle cure, but I can definitely tell it helps with blood flow in my entire lower body.

Thank Annon

I’m trying to adopt the more realistic outcome of my future which looks like a very lonely, miserable existence.

Other members perhaps have PFS to a lesser degree and do heal with time. I’ve also tried to do nothing but relax these past few weeks and eat and drink very healthy, point is, is makes very little difference once the damage is done and still been done. I can still feel the drug in my system because of the muscle twitches I get daily and chronic insomnia. I don’t think some people realise just how bad I have this.

Thanks for your post.

Thetigershell I appreciate your frustration and suffering because I feel the same way. I have no sex drive, no libido, minimal feelings towards women, and feel severely flat emotionally. Once very popular with women and very affectionate, I now do not date and have little interest in even embracing a woman. Very sad. Some days it is just so excruciating that I have to use every coping skill I have to make it. My friends around me are full of life, flirt with women, date women, and have a zest about them. A zest I remember. Aside from the sexual devastation, it is the apathy and lack of pleasure in most anything that gets me. I think your strong reaction to “just relax” is something most can relate to because most of us have heard it. I do not think though that finatruth meant to diminish you though and he has perhaps the benefit of signs of recovery. Since those who have recovered have done so mostly with time (rather than targeted chemical interventions), there is little more than one can do except do the right things to allow your body to heal itself. Some have recovered after a year others after seven years on this board. All who have recovered, did so simply by maintaining optimal health and pressing on. There is no evidence yet that “persistent” sexual dysfunction means “permanent” sexual dysfunction. The turtle wins the race.