Nausea and bad appetite

Do siliva tests test/the 3 estrogens and 4 times daily cortisol.

Thanks Vincentv

What can this tests tell me, about my condition?

If you do have low siliva cortisol that will explain many of your problems. In regards to fixing this, that is harder to answer. But at least you will have more info for your investigations. If your test to estrogen ratio is out this could be a cause for low free cortisol. I remember your blood e2 is low. But that does not measure free e2.

Thanks vincentv
and all the best for you.

Lost my appetite again. The aromasin didnt seem to have its inital effect of improving my appetite. My appetite has gone down the drain. I can exercise all day and still only eat like 1 or 2 meals. Not sure what to do. I have this fucked up feeling in my stomach where it feels full but I ate like 5 hours ago and worked out since then.