My symptomes make no sense

Any updates? I seem pretty similar to you but am doing ok so far, minus mild shrinkage. Did that go away for you?

  • meant to hit this

Hello. I would like to follow up on this.

I believe I am 99% percent recovered although it did take roughly 10 bloody months. As I said my mental sides were the first to normalize and eventually dissapear. After around 6 months they were nearly completely gone, only coming back very rarely and a lot less intense. My sexual sides took the longest. Had trouble getting and maintaining erections for about 8 months and my weakend orgasm stayed for about 9.

All in all it was a awfully long process which I am 1000% sure wasnt in my head btw. I hope nothing is coming back and I can only advice everyone to stay patient.

I didnt do anything particular to help me recover other than going to the gym and lifting weights.

Again, i hopefully wont have to suffer anymore but this time was by far the worst in my life with the peak being unlivable ( mainly due to depression attacks ).

Ill stere here and help as best I can still because I know exactly how you guys are feeling and I wont let you down. Ill also update on my condition every so often. Stay strong my friends I am 100% certain that there is normality waiting for all of us. Some longer some sooner.


Very very happy for you. Envious too, but also very happy. :slight_smile:

Go live a happy life and forget about this placeā€¦

ā€¦except if you DO feel you can do this. Always nice to read when fully recovered folks return to let us know theyā€™re still ok. :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t mean to attack you with this Jin, but really anyone who finds themselves here should be encouraged to stay in touch, for a variety of reasons that benefit both the recovered and those still in trouble.

Most of our accounts donā€™t post, itā€™d be good to hear from more people, but itā€™d also be a morale boost to hear from people who are doing better, and might help shake the accusations made by people who say itā€™s too negative here.

People who recover still have a sensitivity that could be triggered by a medication, cream or food. Itā€™d be helpful for them to be able to continue checking developments, so they donā€™t find themselves in the same position again.

Additionally, if weā€™re ever looking to crowd fund something, hopefully those who recover will remember the barren hopelessness of the situation and might like to contribute to help with something so few have experience or understanding of.


Happy to hear that you recovered.

Could you tell me when did your penile shrinkage reverse and was it a gradual or fast change? If it was gradual then when did you notice that it is improving?

Thank you

Very slow and very gradual. Just like it took all of my symptoms to clear up. Hope this helps

I noticed improvement after roughly 3 months

I had this high libido after quitting Fluvoxamine. I think I had there a form of PGAD, so was damaged without knowing it. After Trazodone came the complete crash in the opposite direction.

@Heythere thanks for posting its great to read about your recovery. Iā€™m also in a much better place than I was 8 months ago after my crash.
You mentioned to do weight lifting, which i am too. I lost a lot of muscle mass after crash, and still have a hard time to gain it back since being 2 months at gym again. Iā€™d like to ask you

  • if you had muscle waisting?
  • could you regain muscle mass since then?

Thanks man

No, I had none from fin. Only from covid lockdown

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Hi Heythere, thank you so much for your testimony. It mean so much to have an hope in our condition. A big hug from Italy