My story - yes, it was messy and yes, I am fine now

oh look here comes spstriken’s FAKE RECOVERY IF I DON’T RECOVER NOBODY ELSE COULD HAVE post that he makes in every single recovery thread

holy shit you guys are paranoid

Prob just sick of the bullshit. If he responds might believe it :slight_smile:

Not as bogus as the guy who told me he recovered through his “faith in god” at least.

One Guy told me he recovered after taking Saw Palmetto. Do you wana believe that too?

Right and clearly because one person claimed a recovery that seems unlikely the logical conclusion is that everybody who claims recovery is automatically lying.

@Taca - Calling someone paranoid for asking questions of a first time poster claiming recovery for a condition which for 10 years to date there has not been one solid documented recovery shows an almost immeasurable degree of naïveté on your part. It doesn’t take too much thought to realize there are parties involved now who have serious reason to try to shed doubt on the fact the PFS is a permanent condition.

@mutlispeed27-- Thanks for filling out your member story template. I’m glad you’re feeling better and I look forward to getting to know you better and learning what we can from your experience.

I was referring to the accusation of “copied quote from my profile” part on the basis of describing a similar symptom with roughly the same sentence structure. Not questioning of the recovery itself.

But yeah at the same time the whole MERCK REP thing that pops up is pretty paranoid. And accusing people who posts recoveries of being them strikes me as a mixture of bitterness and disbelief about 90% of the time.

Hi multispeed, congrats on your recovery. I was just wondering- Am I correct to assume you ordered the “stimulant free” variety of blue up? I only ask because the link you posted is to the stimulant containing version and you said you took it at bedtime.

I think it may depend on that individuals own body.

I havn’t met anyone on this forum in two years who would be bitter about another member’s “recovery”. Quite the opposite. By the same token I’ve never witnessed a documented recovery backed up with labs, doctors notes, etc. Believeing without question every word you see on the internet is pretty naive. In the meantime what I said about OP stands… I look forward to hearing more from him and I’m glad he’s feeling better.

ps-- You know who visits this forum daily. Not paranoia, fact.

What are we talking about here? " Believeing without question every word you see on the internet" or “Every recovery is fake?” which you are angling towards?

And here it is again: the idea that Merck reps posts fake recoveries. Even though it makes absolutely no sense because posting fake recoveries by relatively benign PFS sufferers a few times a year achieves absolutely nothing for Merck.

Yes Merck, billion dollar company’s tactic of choice to delegitimatize PFS is to post fake recoveries once every few month on a message board.

That post was so painful I literally cringed reading it. It makes “no sense” to you. I’d guess alot of things “don’t make sense” to you. You know who will attempt to delegitimatise PFS and all of us here with any and all means possible. All they need to do is cast doubt on our story. That seems fairly simple to understand yet somehow that escapes you. Go figure.

If you choose to believe everything you read on the internet without question or verification please be my guest but it makes the rest of us look foolish and naive by association.

to be honest, i believe strongly that merck creeps around this site and will try twist and turn things to cover their crimes… just an opinion

It doesn’t do much to “cast doubt on our story”, because all it does is make PFS go from permanent medical condition with little hope of recovery from to permanent medical condition with little hope of recovery from, in this particular case on symptoms Merck have already being forced to admit are persistent anyway. I have no idea why you have trouble comprehending this, Merck is an evil corporation, but posting fake recoveries simply doesn’t do anything to advance their agenda.

Yes, such as the idea Merck posts fake recoveries on these boards and this recovery in particular is probably a Merck plant, let’s accept THAT ONE without verification or question though.

my question would be why would a natural testosterone booster cure PFS if majority of us already have normal test levels?

Well, who knows, maybe something about the test booster reactivated his androgen receptors, I may give it a shot, at this point I am trying everything. I do sometimes feel better when I take my anti-estrogen for my HRT, but it doesn’t make sense, anti-estrogens shouldn’t make you feel better, they just get rid of estrogen causes sides. In fact they take away good feelings as estrogen has benefits, they can decrease libido, but who knows with this condition.

Hey Boston I get your points, but I need to ask this…

If a merk rep Made up a story about recovering from PFS than what the merk rep now did was actually help prove are condition is real…

Why, because by the very nature of recovering from something you are creating proof that you had something to recover from…

You cant recover from nothing…

So we could actually use the merk reps “recovery” against them.

And trust me for are damages to be “real” in court this does not need to me a permanent conditions. Can promise you that suffering from this syndrome even for a couple of years would get you paid…

If it can be proved of course. So thanks merk reps for helping us build are case

Now that’s a lesson on how to think out side of the box


Sounds great but this will not cure PFS. Glad you feel better.