My Story - Looking for immediate guidance

It’s strange, I only had anxiety when I immediately crashed about a month ago. I got over the feeling of anxiety and depression in about four days with diet and wim hof breathing, but I still wake up suddenly 2-3 times a night.

I can typically fall back asleep in 2-3 min, but I’m convinced I’m not getting deep sleep.

However, I do dream every night and sleep in 3-4 hour blocks.

I’ve read a lot of stories on here and I’m pretty sure I’m a pretty mild case (and may not even have PFS at three months).

Hopefully my sleep gets back to normal in the next few months, but for now, box breathing really helps.

I have a similar situation. When my mental symptoms are bad, my sleep is good. But when mental symptoms clear up abit, my sleep is similar to wat u have.

Well done you seem to be really motivated and on a good path

Have you considered 24-48hours of fasting?

Do you have a fitbit or equivalent to measure your sleep. I have one but I’m not sure how accurate it is as I think it confuses my light sleep for being awake.
I know I’m getting REM as I have crazy vivid dreams every single night since I crashed.

Coming back to update my story. I’m hoping to talk to others who have symptoms similar to my own. I crashed in mid February of 2024 - anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, etc… I immediately went on carnivore diet, abstained from alcohol, and started taking amino acids. Within two months I was 100% recovered. Apart from the initial crash, I didn’t have any ED and probably just slightly diminished libido.

By early April, about two months on, I wasn’t thinking about PFS anymore. I truly believed I was out of the woods. About eight weeks later, in early June, my GF brought home a Costco sized bag of nuts. I crushed the whole bag in just a few days and felt a crash coming on - turns out I ingested a known 5ari antagonist (beta sitosterol). About two weeks later I recovered from this crash and once again felt 100%. This persisted through June and the first week of July.

When I came home from the 4th of July holiday, I wasn’t feeling very good. July has been a month of poor focus, high stress and then Monday of this week my insomnia came screaming back. Thankfully, insomnia just lasted one night. I was able to get 6-7 hours of sleep last (with occasional wake-ups).

So, I’m wondering else has else has experienced something similar?

I either had a false recovery, or a real recovery that I messed up because my system was so fragile. However, it’s been less than six months off Finasteride and at least 2.5 months of that has been symptom free.