My Story, Any Hope?

Things that have helped me so far…

Remeron 15mg (was to much at first felt sleepy all day, Cut to 7.5mg working better for me so far. )

Dry Eye:
Vision issues have greatly enhanced my depression feelings. I got punctual plugs but also needed to treat inflammation with some drops. Vision is better today. Using Oasis drops at night before bed.

Staying social:
Trying not to give up on living. Continue to do things with people as much as possible.

I can get an erection but its not like before takes way more effort. I am trying to make sure to stay active in this area. If I don’t focus on how its different then before ect… I still have a good orgasm and I its staring to make me more relaxed after.

Low Stress:
Doing my best to avoid work stress.

Brain Fog:
Comes and goes. This is the worst bullshit. Not sure when its going to hit me. Today has been a good day.

I am not my usual self. Not sure if this will eventually change. Its very strange.

Its been awhile everyone. I spewed irrational bullshit all over the place here. I would like to apologies for things I said when I was very anxiety written, depressed, scared, and confused. I was not acting like myself and I was only focused on negative things under the circumstances. Thankfully I met some individuals here that happened to be very resourceful, positive, and helpful. I credit that with surviving this nightmare.

Anyone can debate what does or doesn’t work and at this point I have tried just about everything possible. The good news is I am and have been fully recovered for some time now. When I first arrived at this site I had a very difficult time finding hope through reports of others recovering. Well I can tell you its possible to recover. I did not believe that when I landed on this site but I managed to hang in there and I am 100%.

Oh and MERK it does not mean that I forgive you! You owe everyone that has lost life to your lies.

Good Luck!


Great to hear! And the honesty is appreciated.

Those that crashed hard… This kind of explains what it was like for me at least.

Signs and symptoms of CSWS include large amounts of urination (at least 3 liters of urine output over a 24 hour period for adults) due to inadequate sodium retention in the body, high amounts of sodium in the urine,[1] low blood sodium concentration,[1] excessive thirst, extreme salt cravings, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, and dehydration. Patients often self-medicate by naturally gravitating toward a high-sodium diet and by dramatically increasing their water intake. Advanced symptoms include muscle cramps, lightheadedness, dizziness or vertigo, feelings of anxiety or panic (not mentally induced), increased heart rate or slowed heart rate, low blood pressure and orthostatic hypotension sometimes resulting in fainting.[3] Other symptoms frequently associated with dysautonomia include: headaches, pallor, malaise, facial flushing, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, acid reflux, visual disturbances, numbness, nerve pain, trouble breathing, chest pains, loss of consciousness and seizures.[3]

I crashed bad, but didn’t have most of those. I do suspect that dysautonomia is a significant component of PFS though.

Check out aldosterone levels and how they drop with adrenal issues. Causes sll of these symptoms. Cortef will fix low aldosterone symptoms for most people, but some may need to take cortef + florinef.

So, you’re saying that aldosterone being low, the body wastes sodium? And so we crave sodium?

How come I have fluid retention though, I thought this was a sign of high cortisol and aldosterone? I also had high sodium on a hair test.

Hey how are you doing these days man?