my short storie

MY T to DHT ratio seems fine. I tested on injectable T. Both were over range.

what did you do to up your T level?
how would you compare your 2 month period with PFS? were you feeling exactly the same way what you feel now?

did you make full recovery from your testicular atrophy after the use of steroids? I want to compare steoids after effects and pfs.


I have exactly the same digestion problems you mentioned. Could improve with dexamethasone for several days. I thought it could be some inflammation in the intestine.

I’m a little afraid of using Aromasin, I’m a little traumatized by the side effects of arimidex. Someone has fully recovered with Aromasin?

'm going to ask the doctor to test saliva estradiol.

I used clomiphene citrate for 2 months and an injection of HCG.

Inhibition of HPTA caused by exogenous testosterone

problems with sleep … no
mental fatigue and brain fog …no
feeling that sleep was not restorative …no
digestive problems, pale stools and loose …no
loss of sensation in the penis …no
loss of sexual pleasure …no
difficulty in reaching orgasm …no
weak and orgasm without pleasure …no
loss of concentration …no
memory loss …no
depression …no
ED …yes
difficulty maintaining erection …yes
drop in libido …yes
testicular atrophy …yes

time to recovery: 2 months full recovery.


problems with sleep … yes
mental fatigue and brain fog …yes
feeling that sleep was not restorative …yes
digestive problems, pale stools and loose …yes
loss of sensation in the penis …yes
loss of sexual pleasure …yes
difficulty in reaching orgasm …yes
weak and orgasm without pleasure …yes
loss of concentration …yes
memory loss …yes
depression …yes
ED …yes
difficulty maintaining erection …yes
drop in libido …yes
testicular atrophy …yes

time to recovery: 3.5 years and not recovery.

I doubt you have problems with inflimation in your digestive system. I would say it is low free cortisol. and maybe high free E2. Your doctor probably can not help you with the siliva tests. You will probably need to order yourself on the net.

But I mean even if you know your values are out. there is no way to fix them in my perspective

Yes a guy named robocopp which i speak to, he never signed up here. He reported his problems on other forums. I have been speaking to him via email. He tells me if he does not take aromasin he starts feeling bad.

You could use something liek test PROP with your aromasin this way you can quickly increase your T and E if you go too low.

After a endoscopy and colonoscopy, everything is fine. did not have any inflamation on the gut.

i started clomid 6.25 mg and andractim every day. I will use for 30 days. I used 5mg aromasin too. I ´m afraid of side effects of aromasin.

the first day I felt an increase in hair loss, increased oiliness of skin and a little libido. After few days the hair loss stopped and libido as well. Seems that the enzyme can not convert T to DHT for long.

when there is increased hair loss, there is an increase in libido.


I stopped to use all products like soap, shampoo, sun block, detergent, soap powder, deodorant.

The only exception is coconut soap for wash my clothes and for hair. I take cold showers every day and the water clean 99%. I replace de deodorant for bicarbonate for soda. No aluminin and triclosan shit.

interrupting the deodorant my body began to perspire more and my temperature rose. Now I can take cold shower in the morning to wake up and not feel cold. enzymes may have something to do with temperature. Maybe perspire eliminate toxins, i dont know.

I’m feeling very well. my testicle is great, I’m much stronger erections and increased sensitivity in the penis too.

I realize that to reduce visceral fat to 7% and total fat to 18% improves the stiffness of erection.

This discovery was the best at 4 years OFF finasteride.

I have no idea why the chemistry of these products absorb into the bloodstream.

i will win this battle. i´m following this protocol right now:

(1) gluten free diet (about 2 months now)
(2) weight training 4 times a week. heavy lift (12 years)
(3) running 12miles week. (5 months)
(4) hygiene products free. (4 months)
(5) cotton clothes (change my pillow made from polyester/polyurethane)
(6) no sugar, no industrial foods, no spices.
(7) fruits, read meat, white rice
(8) I am not using any medication.

after this protocol, I started to feel better. why?

I think i have developed allergies.

allergy to gluten causes mineral deficiency and anemia. I’m with diarrhea for 4 years.
weight training boost hormones, testosterone and growth hormone
reducing hygiene products help increase bacteria.
running exercise increases lymphocytes and help the immune system. fight depression.


improved sensitivity in my penis
better quality of sleep
easier to reach orgasm
increased my energy
improved my voice (the voice was fading, too weak)
increased aggressiveness. (I was listless and lifeless)
improved concentration at work.
increased concentration of sex. (One of my biggest problems was the lack of concentration during sex or masturbation. always lost my concentration, as if I had drugged)

there is no medication for this pfs. the only way to fight is his own body. Forget testosterone injections.

hey I am doing pretty much all these things. With PFS I have lived in 3 countries under different conditions. Environment may help somewhat but underlying issue is still here. In the last country I was in had cotton sheets I nevver use products not plant based.

I have had some weeks where i feel a fair bit better but still have PFS no doubt.

seem to develop antibodies against the enzyme 5 alpha reductase. When some substance allergen comes into contact with the body, the immune system attacks the body.

I’m not taking any medication for several months. for me, drugs are completely useless.

I discovered that removing all allergenic substances from skin and remove all food allergens symptoms improve.

increases the will to live and ambition and desires
depression goes away
the perineal area becomes full
morning erection is stronger and filled
the skin becomes oilier
the ear produces more wax
my underarm odor increase
The penis begins to smell as it should be
digestion is normal, normal metabolism
diarrhea disappears, normal stool
increases the strength of orgasms,
better sensitivity in the penis
temperature increase
muscle strength
better sleep

for me it’s like finasteride weakens the immune system. any contact with substances that trigger allergy symptoms all come back slowly.

the first is the increased sweating
accelerated metabolism, the stomach empties quickly, I do poop 4 times a day, always diarrhea
reducing the oiliness of the skin and scalp
blurred vision
dry throat
brain fog
mental difficulty
dry Skin
lack of odor on skin
erectile Dysfunction
lack of sensitivity in the penis
difficulty concentrating

I need to know if you also had facial fat loss and if you have seen improvements. I actually even have chin, jaw and cheekbone loss… but id expect that you didnt?

How does your face look like? Was it fucked by propecia? Is it better now?



after 57 months after stopping the use of finasteride, had some improvements. This can help many people and give strength to continue following on.

  • fully recovered my hormone levels of testosterone.
  • regained strength
  • improved sleep. not entirely. Sometimes sleep is much better. varies from day to day.
  • full recovery of the concentration (brain fog)
  • I’m working with a lot of energy and I’m very competitive.
  • finally recovered from diarrhea. normal stool and 1 time per day.
  • recovery from depression
  • anxiety recovery
  • I’m “feeling” again.
  • few days that my sleep is extremely deep, have more rigid erections, oiliness on the skin of the penis, pleasure, orgasm, good ejaculation.
  • have nocturnal erections every night, but morning erections are less frequent.
  • spontaneous erections only when sleep is very deep.
  • I’m much happier and enjoying life
  • my aggression increased, but not yet fully
  • allergies stopped

increased libido and improved, but not yet returned to the levels prior to finasteride. I still do not get extremely hot.

definitely realized that “deep” sleep improves symptoms. must be that night’s sleep you wake up in the morning totally relaxed and happy to have rested.

Did you have issues with sensitivity in your penis and if so have you noticed feeling return?

I just recently started to get that “oiliness” on the penis skin feeling. It’s been 4 yrs off this month for me.

Nice to hear. :sunglasses:
I’m glad you are going for recovery.

Just to ask:
So I think you had the same usual Sides.
So I must ask, what was your regimen against PFS?
What did you do?

I would do a lot of sports, but what I hate about it is that everything shrivels up and I get this numb feeling even worse the following days, so I’m not sure if this makes things worse in the long run, i.e. shrinking etc.

Else I got more energy for sure when I compare to my situation 3 month ago.
But still the usual sexual sides, light brain fog and floaters.

I would be really glad to hear from you.
Did you take any supplements like Longjack, Maca, Iodine, Tribulus?

Cheers and keep on going!

i´ve tried all kind TPC an testobooster medications like clomid, tamoxifen, arimidex. Tried aromasin, andractim(6months), proviron, maca, tribulus, tongkcat, horny goat, zma, vitamins, triazole, pes erase, melatonin, bcaa, glutamin, l-arginin. gaba and others.

after some time, i started to get better. but I do not associate with any of the above substances. I’ve always done exercise before, during and after finasteride. I never felt that the exercises helped me. in fact sometimes the exercises worsen symptoms.

i think the most efective help is water fast. I made several short fasts and always felt changes. felt improved digestion, reduced anxiety and improved sleep. seems that supplements work better too.

I highly recommend trying the water fast.


Hi backfromhell,
How long did it take until the depression and anxiety went away?

Hi Backfromhell.

I want to thank you for your fast response.
Just wanted to ask something more.
In your Member Storie you mentioned you didn’t have sides until you took antibiotics.
mew wrote that antibiotics higher free testosterone.
Many Users got Antibiotics after quiting Fin because it could be a prostate infection in doctors minds.
Do you think that this could be one reason for people to crash? Like I did?
Did you experiance the Fin crash too?
Still having loads of hope from some memers on this board like you, chi, lightattheend and others.

Cheers Rist

Are you on VitD3 now? or have you used it before?