Greetings. Did some new labwork which unfourtunately does not reveal anything abnormal which makes me believe even more that this condition has something to do in receptor/cellular level. But how to convince doctors that when they refuse to even believe I have persisting symptoms caused by AI use? And there isnt much you can do? My chest area itches all the time and is even painful and I think there is some gyno there (bloodwork revealed normal blood androgen to estrogen ratio). Hot flashes/constant sweating continues and the heat of the summer is making it even worse, almost unbearable. My fatigue is getting really strong, I feel very exhausted and my eyes are heavy all day everyday. I feel occasionally really bad heart palpitations and my heartbeat sometimes feels really “forceful”. Anyway, here is the bloodwork. I mainly asked for it to check my estradiol level with the sensitive assay.
LH: 4.95 IU/l (1.5-9.3)
Total testosterone: 20 nmol/l (10-30)
SHBG: 28 nmol/l (15-95)
TSH: 1.38 (0.4-4)
fT4: 15 pmol/l (10-21)
Cortisol: 470 nmol/l (138-690)
Estradiol E2 (Sensitive LC/MS method): 0.09 nmol/l (<0.14) [this translates to about 25 pg/ml]