My personal recovery

If you believe this false post then you’re all insane.
StartingOver - You forgot your username AND password?! C’mon.

If your story is real, I’m volunteering to meet you in person.


definitely there is link between Wheat product and feeling worse but don’t know how? Ever since I stopped eating Wheat I feel a lot better, sometimes 80%.

How long after cutting out Wheat did you start to notice improvements? And were the improvements mental, sexual, or both?

Let me rephrase you:
“I am finding your story interesting, but hard to believe. I would like to meet you in order to confirm it is true”. This is how civilized people speak.
I understand your frustration, as I’ve been there, but you can’t always assume all people are evil and come to get you. I shared many intimate things here, and I feel embarrassed about it, but I felt it’s what I can do if it helps anyone. So please take into consideration that I am a person as well, and respect it.

Having said this, I am back in Tel Aviv in about two weeks, and I’m willing to meet you. send me a private message.


Congrats on your recovery. I’m interested in your story - pretty amazing. I’m curious if this meeting took place. And if so, what was said?

No meeting took place…

I came back because I was thinking of an alternative explanation to my recovery that I thought of.
About a year before my recovery I had a horrible knee inflammation. I tried some anti inflammatory medications that did not work.
Then I tried a combo of quercetin and bromolain.

I did not think of this at the time, but lately read that quercetin may affect prostate function, and I know that part of my recovery was feeling the prostate grow.

Did anyone else try Quercetin here?

Israeli, sorry but you are a tembel.
Why are you popping up now??
I offered to meet when I was in Israel. but you disappeared.

I do not really need to deal with your bad energy, keep it with yourself.
I was not lying about anything, and I am willing to meet anyone here who lives in the Bay Area.

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I don’t know why I am so annoyed right now, but I just find it is not worth being honest and posting here anymore.
My offer stands as for someone in the bay area.
But why come back and share if all I get is attacks…
I was just trying to help think what could have helped me and why I got out of it, but if noone believes my story and every post here gets bad reactions, I am giving up. I healed. Hope your guys heal as well in the future.
good luck.

for some reason I saw Israeli’s comment from the post as if it was posted again today.
Ignore my last message. my bad

So just back to the main point I posted this evening.
The best explanations for my recovery are time and good diet and exercise.
It took many years.

But the fact I took quercetin/bromolain complex so close to the recovery start is interesting.
I read online it can affect prostatitis.
I do not remember what I took, or quantity. I think I only used it for 2 weeks.

Just my two cents. maybe will help someone.

Hi StartingOver,

Can I ask what PFS sides you had ?

It’s all in my former comments, just read the beginning of this thread.

Anyone else here tried quercetin before a recovery?

starting over im from israel also my name is tal
i would like to speak with you on the phone and hear your story… just suffring with same stuff
i pmed you my phone number

I got one pm but not from you, send again maybe?
I cant find anything from you.

Hey StartingOver:

First of all, congrats on the recovery and making good progress on life.

Long story short. My experience is very similar to yours: 26 yo when I
started Fin, quit about 2 years later, was good for like 6 months, then
experienced the crash and has only been slowly recovering since March 2013.
It’s been about a year and a half now since I crashed. All symptoms are
better compared to when I was the worst, however I still suffer from the
following on and off, some days better then others: muscle fatigue (lack of
muscle tone and growth in spite of exercise), brain fog, slow learning,
retaining, and recalling new information, insomnia (I can fall asleep, but
sometimes wake up 1 or 2 times in the middle of the night, no refresh
feeling in the morning), adhedonia (not just when it comes to sex, but
pretty much everything in life, eg, music, taste, emotions etc),
mild/moderate depression, problem with spontaneous erection, however ok
with stimulation, low semen volume.

I have a few questions hope you can provide some answers to:

  1. I can’t recall if you had problem with sleeping. If you did, did that
    resolve completely for you? Specifically, do you sleep sound and nice now
    and can wake up with a refreshed feeling?

  2. ever since I crashed, my skin has aged a lot. My skin used to be smooth,
    soft and elastic, but now appears rough, blemished as a result of
    sedimentation of pigments, and inelastic. I didn’t come across this issue
    in your post. Did you experience this problem? If you did, is that
    something that’s resolved for you over time?

  3. The decline in intellect capacity is something you mentioned. I wondered
    if that’s resolved for you? Nowadays, do you feel like your intellect
    capacity has come back to pre-fin?

Thank you very much for answering my questions. Overall I am optimistic but
sometimes I feel like all I do is mourning over the loss of something that
I was taking for granted before.

Ive also recovered two times when I traveled from europe to usa. it was in 2015 summer and 2016 summer. few days of complete recovery. but after I was back in to anhedonial depression (no strong emotions,lack of pleasure) and no libido. but for a few days after travel, I was fine for a few days. circadian rhytm restarted or something. Ive emailed you pls get back to me.

Hi @StartingOver . How are you? did the recovery hold. Would it be possible to give an update.

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That is exactly what I was been thinking about. Maybe we have a very small prostate because of Finas.
have you ever checked your prostate size? How do you know that your prostate have grown?

This is exaclty what I experienced. I moved back from US to China and things gradully started to get better since then. Now I’m 95 percent recovered.

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