I am very passionate about basketball as well. This was taken from me by this disease. I play about once per month now. I am a shadow of my former self now. I played in high school and a very short time in college. I was playing competitively with guys 10 years younger than me and was always one of the better guys in any pick up game I’d play in. I played 3-5 times per week, almost everyday on my lunch break. Now, it is a struggle to play at all. I can play in one or maybe two games in a row. I either feel good in the days following playing because of the increased metabolism or I feel completely horrible. It almost sends the body into a shock sometimes. My back, knees etc. will ache very badly in the following days. So, I shy away from it now because its a crapshoot in terms of if I’ll feel better or completely worse following the games.
On a positive note. I have lifted heavy weights the past 3 days (squats yesterday). I have been taking zinc piclinate and chinese bitters (which I just ordered). I’m proud to report that I had a ‘piss hardon’ last night. I actually woke up in the middle of the night to piss and had a solid hard on, making it almost impossible to piss. That happens once a year now it seems like. Hopefully this reoccurs more now.