My "evolution" (after 10 years with Finasteride)

-It has been 8 days without finasteride, and I still didnt feel any change, excepting that I feel better. But maybe this is just because Im happy of not taking the pill.

-I can think more “clearly”? (I dont know if this is the correct english word). The problem is that I started taking antihistaminic for my alergy three days ago, and as you know, it causes sleepiness.

-And finally I think that I dindnt have any problems slurring words (as I use to have in these last months)

I visited a different derm, and told him my story. As the urologist, the other derm and my “head doctor”, he said that there is no problem with Finasteride. I told him that he should look on the internet, that he would find maybe hundreds of stories about men with problems because of the pill, and he said that side effects disappear as you stop taking the pill. So I asked him how long would it take to my body to eliminate this drug, and he said that about 6 months.

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