My discussion with the author behind "Post Finasteride Syndrome: An induced delusional disorder with potential for Mass Psychogenic Illness?"

Look at what a Gantt chart is. In includes timing information.

Have you guys seen health documentaries on Netflix? They will end up painting PFS’ers as depressed hypochondriac and that’s the best case scenario. Maybe an independent video on YouTube but that will have a small reach

Well look at us. All we do is sit here bitching, moaning, popping pills, fancying ourselves medical geniuses. If I didn’t know for a fact that I have PFS then I would be 100% certain that everyone here is a nut job and/or sad human being suffering from low life achievement and seizing on excuses to hide in the basement rather than facing the world. There is no effort at all here to actually take things forward. Just perpetual rediscoveries of TTHCWP (TRT, Tribulus, hCG, Clomid, Welbutrin, Proviron) revealing everyone is too lazy or insincere to even do a search of forum to see what’s already been tried. 15 years of the same things that had all already been done before by year 2.

It’s a big procrastination and avoidance of life group.

The idea of actually getting rid of PFS/the excuse to hide in basement scares the shit out of people. No one wants to even think of it, let alone discuss or take action. Simply filling out a survey was too much to ask for all but like 200 people. Everyone else too busy playing video games and planning herb “cycles”.

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Amalgam illness is a “mystery syndrome”? LOL.
This poison cost me many years and maybe my life. Mercury is the most poisonous, non-radioactive metal on earth. “accidentally” my depression career started after the dentist drilled out my amalgam fillings without protection. admittedly, I didn’t have the best childhood, but I don’t believe that this is why I became the way I am today. Modern “medicine” has ruined my life. First mercury in dental fillings (and maybe also vaccinations) => neurological symptoms => depression/fear => antidepressants => PSSD/PFS.
Do you notice anything? One shit leads to another.
There is nothing left of the young man, whose teachers said they would read a book of him later on, because he was always one of the best in class interlectually, whose classmates gave always good feedback about his drawn pictures, which the women ran after and were enthusiastic about sex, who looked forward to his life… is a hull left.
Today it costs me enormous effort to form a sentence, my creativity is gone, women no longer look at me with their asses,I have the sexual health of a 80 year old and think of suicide almost every day.
It would be almost funny because of the cynicism, if it wasn’t so sad.

Let‘s return to the original topic, please!

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Someone needs to start a personal vlog channel detailing their experience with PFS. The channel could have videos detailing your own personal journey, and also have videos about PFS as a whole, upcoming studies, etc. That will give people a personal look into what the condition is like, which is far better than angry comments online repeatedly spamming that the drug is “poison”.

I would do it but I’m far too young.

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This forum very often has its head in the wrong place. I can’t blame it though, my head was also in the wrong place in the first few months after discovering this forum, but I quickly adjusted after a few months and now I find myself in a good place after a few missteps.

I agree that TTHCWP, as you call it, is tiresome, most of those upregulating everything and only having temporary effects, if not negative. But I think you can see a pattern with recoveries on here to find what works. Two things about recoveries that I see most:

  1. The use of certain anti androgens
  2. Time, usually months, sometimes years
    Perhaps I’m being bold with that claim, but if you look at the list you can see the pattern. A good strategy to dealing with PFS is to find a protocol that works, at least semi-consistently, living a healthy lifestyle and mindset, and passively watching and partaking in the research and discussion that comes by.