Muscle Wasting - Help Needed

Thank you for sharing, and Kudos for pushing through such a dark time. I have taken so much for granted in my life and never really stopped to care what other people might be going through. My perspective is completely different now. I now know what it’s like to be in the darkest of places, not for just a day, but for months. I’m sorry this happened to you man. We will get through it.


Yessir, when we’re out of this mess I’ll be a very different person. Peaks are higher when the troughs are lower!

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The tight balls are they steady or worsening

Steady as in haven’t changed since day 1.

Awor, did you muscle wastage seem to stall, and you are able to build quality muscle again, or is it something that has persisted? I am more cautious now not to compare symptoms and stories, as everyone reacts differently. But what was your experience with the wastage and overall weakness? Thanks for the response man.

It got slower but did not completely stall. Indeed, comparing stories on this point is difficult. We have seen the whole spread from strong, lasting wasting to incredible, effortless buildup of muscle. I am hoping our survey results will provide a little more clarity regarding this and many other questions.

At this time, do you have any advice on what I can do? From reading some of your replies, I see that hormone levels aren’t really that important, as our body simply does not utilize them the same way.

I find it really hard to give any reasonable advice on this subject, as there seems to be quite a bit of variability. In other words, what applies to me, may not apply for you. As I am on TRT, I can do pretty much anything I want with my hormone levels. From experimentation I know that raising T increases my wastage (and other sides as well). I would not say hormone levels do not matter at all. In my case, I need to try to keep them within a defined and low range. That seems to work best for me. You will need to experiment a little with exercise vs. no exercise to see what you can tolerate and what helps. I am really sorry that I cannot provide a more useful answer to you, I wish I had one myself.

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume your username is a Rise Against reference. I like it.

Does anyone else have any input on muscle wastage? It seems like there are only a select few who post regularly on this forum. I take it that it probably a good sign?

High cortisol causes muscle wasting.

Guys i’m getting worse, my body is really fucked up,my skin is so much softer and i’m getting man boobs. my nipples have changed and they sting all the time. My veins are non-existant and the actual skin is different. Will an estrogen blocker make this worse? is there anything I can do at all?

From my experience, yes. Blocking the conversion from testosterone to estrogen will further increase your T levels. I noticed that increased T levels also increased my wastage.

@awor is there anything I can do?

@awor my body is continuing to go downhill, like it’s cascading. I have to find a way to balance my hormones or something man. I’m not doing well. I’ve lost all my muscle tone and my muscles cramp and tremor all the time. I don’t know what to do.

Hello Friend. How are you doing?

Did you improve muscle loss?

This month I had a noticeable loss of muscle mass, especially in the thighs, where everyone noticed and asked me what was happening to me.

Also, I gained a lot of fat in the belly area and breasts.

I wonder if it was reversible for you, if so, how long. If not, where you are now. hug

I have bad fat accumulation in the thighs. My entire body changed though. I’ve seen very few on here with similar symptoms, in terms of having literally ALL of them. I’ve come across few symptoms on this forum that have not happened to me lol, one reason I don’t browse it as much. I don’t mean to compare but I got absolutely fucked by a single pill. I believe some of these changes may be long-term, as i’m about 13 months in and havent seen any improvement in my skin, body hair, circulation, or metabolism. Of course I don’t know this for a fact. They may improve over time.

As far as muscle mass, I’m a little unsure if I’m able to build muscle. If i’m able to gain muscle, it’s definitely been fundamentally altered. My limbs stay cold and tingle even when they get pumped up. It’s not that great, warm, tight feeling anymore when I’m lifting weights. I also fatigue really easily. To be honest, if I was able to lose the fat around my thighs I’d be reasonably satisfied.

As far as mentally, I get bad anxiety and depression, racing thoughts, paranoia, etc. Trying to work on that.

Do you still get a pump from lifting? I do not, and many others do not.

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No I don’t. My muscles will tighten up, but won’t enlarge and pump up like before. It’s like a loose, slack feeling inside my muscles, like somebody went in and “disconnected” them or something…

Honestly clomid has improved my physical sides including muscle wasting significantly. Mental sides are also improved. Unfortunately sexual sides are still severe.